Chapter - 34

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Third Person’s POV
Amaan came out of the bathroom and saw Ayesha still haven’t sleep yet….without saying anything he lay down besides Ayesha and pulled her in his embrace…
AMAAN : sleep… love… I know you are very sad… but please try forget all the things….I don’t like to see you like this…
Started caressing her head to make her sleep…
AYESHA : Amaan…
AMAAN : hmm?
AYESHA : Amaan, all this has started because of the properties, right?
AMAAN : what are you thinking??
AYESHA : I have decided… I will use that properties to make home…
AMAAN : Home?
AYESHA : Yes Home… shelters for needy people… and  name it “Devashish”
AMAAN : “Devashish” ?
AYESHA : yes… 'Dev' means god and Ashish, my father’s name means Blessing….. So “Devashish” means god's blessings…
Amaan smiled and kissed on Ayesha’s forehead…
AMAAN : as you wish…
They both gradually slept peacefully in each other’s arm…
9 months later
AMRIT (Akash) : hahaha… The Amaan Khanna is afraid….
AMAAN : Shut up Amrit…..
TARA : Amaan bhai… don’t be afraid… everything will be fine…
At this moment they heard a child's cry from inside the operation room….. After some time a doctor came out…
DOCTOR : Congratulations Mr. Khanna… It’s a girl…
Opening the eyes Ayesha saw the most beautiful scene… her husband was carrying their little girl in his arms with a big smiling face…
AYESHA : hey… ( said very slowly)
AMAAN : heyy… how are you feeling?? (Kissed on her forehead)
AYESHA : good..
AMAAN : look… isn’t she beautiful??
AYESHA : yes..
AMAAN : Thank you Ayesha… Thank you so much…
The door of the ward opened and Amrit entered with his family (a five month old son and wife Tara) … behind them the whole Khanna and Maliks (Yes… they have changed their title… they change their surname to their biological father’s surname.. They are not Chauhan anymore… only Tanisha mami and her family is chauhan) .
AMRIT : look baby… your little sisy…
TARA : awww… she is soo cute…
PUJA Mami : yes… very beautiful… look at her eyes…
SHALINI : yes…exactly like Amrita…
MANOHAR : of course… her father, Amaan also has the same eyes as his mother, Amrita…
AMRIT:  hey do you guys have decided any name yet??
Amaan and Ayesha looked at each other then looked at their baby and smiled…
AYESHA : yes…
AMRIT : what is the name??
AMAAN : Daughter of Amaan and Ayesha…. “Mayesha”
Ayesha’s POV
It’s been two weeks I came back from hospital…..
My baby and I both are fine….. Now every thing is going good… but Amaan didn’t returned home for two days…he isn’t even picking up my calls… Amrit  said he is on a business trip… Amaan has never done this before …for him I was always most important and after the baby born I know our daughter is also very important for him….but then why isn’t he picking up his phone…….O god please keep my husband safe…
At this moment the door of the room opened… and seeing the person at the entrance the bottle in my hand fell on the ground…

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