Chapter - 32

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Third Person’s POV
SHALINI : why???dad why???
RAJENDRA (Nanu) : I would have killed him eventually but not that fast… but as my daughter said…he put his nose on every matter… he had found something that he shouldn’t know… so he had to die…so I had made his accident plan but poor Mohit was also got into the accident….
LALITA : so what dad I am happy seeing him sitting on the wheelchair so helpless everyday… I am very happy…
RANDEEP : why dad?? We gave you… our dad’s place in our life….. and bare bhaiya I even change my name to Randeep to match with you after our parent's marriage…my sister she didn’t even see our father… for her you’re her dad…why did you both ruined my only sister's life???
RAJENDRA : Revenge…
SHALINI : Revenge???
RAJENDRA : Yes Revenge…..Mr. Manohar Khanna…remember The Chauhans
MANOHAR : Chauhan….. Rajendra Chauhan… (he repeated the names)… Rajen???
RAJENDRA : yes… Rajen…
MANOHAR : why ??
RAJENDRA : you are asking me???Just like you have forgotten our existence… you forgot everything… you forgot what the Thakur (Ayesha’s father family)did with us and how did you guys help them…
MANOHAR : we didn’t do anything…
RAJENDRA : You did… you guys snatched our business … our properties…
MANOHAR : No we didn’t your father was incapable in business…the Thakurs had only done what was right for their business… and my father had just helped them….because of these you killed Ashish? … it was previous generations grudges… how could you take revenge for that…
RAJENDRA : Previous generations grudges?? My daughter had suffered for that… and you are talking about previous generations grudges….. How could I forget the pain my parents had suffered at their last age….. How could I forget my wife died because I couldn’t afford her treatment….. How could I forget they  took away my little daughter because I couldn’t pay their debt… say how could I forget that?? I didn’t forget… so I have taken revenge… yes for that some innocent people had to died… like Randeep and Shalini’s father…
RANDEEP : You killed our father??
RAJENDRA : yes… I killed him… If I couldn’t killed him how could I married your mother…
Everyone was too shocked to utter a word…
RAJENDRA : I know your dad was innocent… But I had no option… to take my revenge I had to do that…..   look there is no Thakur left except this Ayesha… she would have been died till now but this Akash and Tara ruined everything…
SHALINI : you had even planned to killed my daughter???
LALITA : yes… our plan was perfect… first Akash and Ayesha would get married then we will transfer all the property to Akash then to us and kill Ayesha… but everything got ruined on the wedding day…
SHALINI : o my god… if mom had not warned me what would have happened??
RAJENDRA : what do you mean??
PUJA Mami : Mumiji had told Shalini before she died that Ashish's bhai death was murder and then we start investigating and….. (Said All the things they found out and they had planned)
LALITA : Amaan’s marriage  with Ayesha was actually your plan??
SHALINI : Yes…..
RAJENDRA : that old bitch…... So you also planned Tara's accident with the same truck driver …to reveal us… not bad…
TANISHA : Thank you father-in-law… it was my idea…
RAJVEER : you..
TANISHA : yes… I accidentally heard Puja and Shalini's conversation… and I knew you had transfer a large amount of money from the office account to a personal account a few years ago… and one day I also saw you with this Lalita… I didn’t know she is your sister… I thought this slut will break my family …
TANISHA : lower your voice Mr. Rajendra Chauhan… I was never a good daughter-in-law… and now after hearing all this don’t you expect me to give you guys respect… you know even Sluts are better than her…
RAJVEER : Tanisha…
TANISHA : You… Rajveer Chauhan…..I  can’t believe… that I spent all this year with a monster….. I am sad that my children had to call you father all these years….. From today onwards your are dead for me and my children…
RAJVEER : Tanisha…
TANISHA : ohh.. Please don’t take my name from your mouth….you used to tell me I shouldn’t compare Ayesha and Tara… I should love her like a mother….. But I think Ayesha is more happy to accept my mami's love than  father’s love from you, who killed her own father….. How could you do this???

RAJVEER : I had never gotten the chance to fulfil a brother’s duty for her (Lalita) … so I did... what a brother should do… I helped my sister…
TANISHA : Bah! You did brother's duty… what about this sister (pointing at shalini)… this sister who loves you as her own brother… every year she ties Rakhi on your hand… and YOU….you destroy her life… with your hand? … you should ashamed to call yourself a brother…
Manohar grandpa called the police… and they arrested them… all their statements have been recording since they entered into the house…
Ayesha & Shalini and Tanisha & Tara both mother-daughter duo were crying very badly….. All the members present there were very sad....

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