Chapter - 23

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Third Person’s POV
Ayesha and Amaan both were sitting  in the balcony and enjoying the sea breeze after their lunch…
AMAAN : so?? ( asked with a raised eyebrow)
AYESHA : you said…after we have had the lunch you will tell me the reason behind our marriage and why mom had lied to me…
AMAAN : Hmmmm
Said this he got up and went into the room…
AYESHA : hey! Hey! where are you going? You had promised me…
She also followed behind Amaan….
AMAAN : (sigh) it’s  look like I have to work  hard to gain your trust…
AYESHA : why?? When have I said I don’t trust you?
AMAAN : Really? … Then why did you come inside the room following me ?? Maybe you thought… I will not tell you … or I was escaping…
AYESHA : no.. No… no… I just… I…..
She didn’t able to form a sentence as she was little guilty….because she had really thought Amaan don’t want to tell her…
AMAAN : what? Cat got your tongue?
AYESHA : No… I….why did you come inside?
AMAAN : To take these (showed  some files in his hand)..
AYESHA : what is in it?
AMAAN : let’s talk here inside the room….you will catch cold if we spend long time in the balcony…
AYESHA : hmm okk…
They settled in their bed….they were sitting face to face each other..
AYESHA : Now say…
Amaan handed over one of the files to her…
AMAAN : Read it yourself first…
Ayesha opened the file and started reading…….and after reading every page… her eyes got bigger and bigger… and she looked at Amaan with astonished expression…..
AYESHA : woooowww….. I didn’t know….. O… My… God….. I am so rich…… I didn’t know ….my  father had so much property........
AMAAN : Everything was not your father’s….. Your elder uncle (paternal)  also owned some of these properties…
AYESHA : Yeah….. Wait why are you showing me this….. Do you have married me for these properties….. (gasp)… o my god….. I thought you are not like those  greedy businessman… but you’re also same like those businessman  who marry only for profit…
If Ayesha weren’t not his wife whom he loves very much…then maybe he would have strangled her to death for saying those things…
AYESHA : why are looking at me like that ( asked innocently)
AMAAN : hmph! Nothing…( said seriously)
Handed over another file…
AYESHA : again another? What is in it?
AMAAN : see it yourself and again judge me…
AYESHA : why are you behaving so grumpy…
Said this she started reading again…
AYESHA : so I am right… you have really married me just for properties ( said with a hurt expression)...
AMAAN : Did I said anything till now?....I didn’t start saying anything … and you are making conclusions without even listening…
AYESHA : yeah… you haven’t said anything yet… but You have handed me these files to read….. and in this 2nd file it is clearly written that I have to marry before 25 otherwise the properties which I have inherited from my elder uncle and half of the properties which I have inherited from my father will go to the charity….. I will not able to claim my rights….. and here  it also stated that after my marriage till my child is born my husband will also have the equal rights on the properties I have inherited from my father….. So what does that mean?... Do you think I need to ask… it is clear as crystal….. But I don’t know how my family have so much property… I mean I know my father was rich… but this much… I had no idea about it….
AMAAN : Now let’s not talk about how they had so much property……….yes it is clearly stated that after your marriage… you husband will have the rights on the properties…….. But your mother had no idea  about  these properties….. She had come to know about these properties some months before she started acting ill….. she had also come to know about that your bare mamu was planning your marriage …but with whom she had no idea…
AYESHA : okk… so what was the problem….. I think bare mamu was thinking  about my marriage because of this conditions in this documents…..
AMAAN : Listening to you, it seems like you are not happy to marry me. You would be happier if you would have married someone else (said frowningly)
AYESHA : No no… no… I am very happy with you… you are the best husband….. I am saying because… it was not a big deal…  just for this reason mom had not needed  to do such drama…..
AMAAN : yes… maybe… if it was just a matter of property, your mother would have not done so much……directly would have talked with your bare mamu about this…but there was also something else… she had come to know about…
AYESHA : uff… again something else….. how much  things actually she came to know about at a time? ( said with a amused face)...
AMAAN : umm…Ayesha we are sure about the incident… but  we are not sure about the culprit… we have not any strong  proof … we have only doubts….. That’s why we had to create this drama…(said with a serious face)
AYESHA : oh god Amaan… why are you beating around the bush… say it directly……
AMAAN : Your….. Yours father’s death was not an accident it was a planned murder…

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