Chapter - 20

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Ayesha’s POV

I don’t know… there is one word rigging in my mind….

‘betrayal…betrayal…..betrayal… betrayal’

My own mother has betrayed me……… my husband ,he  has also betrayed me.

Now I have really doubts… does he really love me….. He knows everything from the start… but didn’t say anything to me….. Did the incident of the hotel …was it also their some kind of plan?? That night he said he believes me… does he really believes me or is it because maybe he already know everything… that’s why……I don’t understand anything….. But in the hospital he said he loves me….. His eyes is saying it’s true…… ohh god please help me….. I want it to be true….. I love him very much.

Now I am here in front of Kritika's apartment….. I really need them now……and Nikita is also here….she has arrived today morning….. I really need both of them.

I pressed the calling bell….Kritika opened the door.

KRITIKA : hey Esaaa… hey what happened why are crying?

I didn’t said anything I just hugged her tightly and started crying.

Nikita also came out from a room.

NIKITA : Hey Esa… what happened?? Today aunty’s report is supposed to come na ? What happened is everything all right? Is aunty all right?

I just nodded my head.

NIKITA : ohh thank god.

KRITIKA : ok… you sit first then tell us what happened…

I sat on the sofa and told them what has  happened in the hospital… hearing this Kritika didn’t said anything…

Nikita : how can they do like this… aunty told so much lie just to marry you with Amaan… I know Amaan is a nice man… but stilll…..maybe there is also some other reason… did she –

A call Interrupted her(Nikita) talking….. we could see the caller Id… it is Amaan’s  call but on Kritika’s phone.

NIKITA : why is Amaan calling on your phone? (asked to Kritika) maybe… Amaan is searching for you(said to me)

Nikita received the call and put it on speaker… Krtika tried to stop her but before that Amaan started speaking.

AMAAN : Kritika listen….. Ayesha has come to know about our marriage's truth… and even aunty's lie….. maybe she can go to your house….. make sure she doesn’t understand that you also knew about this….she is already very hurt… if she will know that you also knew and didn’t tell her anything she will be very hurt.

I can’t take it anymore.

Why ? Why? Why?

Nikita cut the call abruptly.

NIKITA : You also knew?? Why didn’t you tell us , kri??

KRITIKA : Esa… please listen… there is a reason behind all this… please don’t misunderstand.

AYESHA : what is the reason?

KRITIKA : I don’t know everything….. But as much I know I can’t tell you that… Amaan will tell you.

I don’t want to  stay here anymore…..
I got up from the sofa and left from there….. I want to be alone…
What reason can be so important… that they are all lying to me.

I want to cry … I want to laugh… I don’t know what I want to do…... They all lied to me… why can’t they tell me the reason…..I am not a 5 years old child…..
My mother, my husband ,my sister, my best  friend….all of them.

They all make me a fool.

I am now here sitting in a park… I am missing my father….. In this park I used to come with papa and kritika also used to come with her father… we used to played together.

‘papa… I miss you…papa… they are all bad….. They all lied to me… why did you  leave me .….. Papa…..uhuuhuuhu….. Pa… Pa…. they ….all…made…your princess ….cry……I …need…you…..papa..... I am….very…sad….. Please….. Come… back’( crying very loudly)

Suddenly someone kept a hand on my shoulder….. I turned my head.

AYESHA : Puja mami?

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