Chapter - 12

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Ayesha's POV

O god am I really going to seduce him tonight?

If he doesn’t want to do anything… then what will I do? Or If he get angry? … o god please give me some courage…
Ringing of my phone breaks my thoughts..

Nikita? Why is she calling me now?

@Nikita : hello! Niki what happened?

@Ayesha : Listen.. I have sent you a link of an adult film… watch it… it will help you…

@Nikita : what? I don’t need that… I will not watch it…

@Ayesha : I know very well that you are now tense and thinking how will you do it… so listen just watch this and enjoy… when your hormones start to take action you will be more courageous…

@Nikita : but…

@ Ayesha : no buts just watch it… bye…
Nikita  ended the call before I could say anything else..

What will I do?? Let watch it… it is still have some time for Amaan to come home..

Third Person's POV

Ayesha started watching the adult film..
She was so engrossed in the movie that she didn’t notice that Amaan has already arrived...

Because of her flushed face and heavy breathing … anyone can clearly understand…what is she watching…

Seeing her like that Amaan was quite stunned… After composed himself… he asked…

AMAAN : what are you watching? (with a very serious face)

Hearing this when Ayesha looked up from her phone and saw Amaan was standing there… her eyes got wide…

AYESHA : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

She hurriedly entered into the bathroom with mobile phone still in her hand.
But in this process she has missed one thing… a very genuine smile on Amaan's face…

In the bathroom

‘O god this is so embarrassing.... How will I face him again’ covered her face with her palm… then realized that her phone is with her… so she called Nikita…

@Ayesha : hey! Esha what happened? Are still afraid?

@Nikita : Shut up… this is all happened because of you…

And said the whole incident that has just  happened with her..

@Ayesha : hahahahaha

@Nikita : stop laughing… now help me… what will I do..

@Ayesha : listen … listen… I think it is a good thing…

@Nikita : good?

@Ayesha : yeah… look I think he have already understand that what you were watching… so when you stand in front of her wearing the dress… there will be no problem for him to understand… so it will be great na…

@Nikita : hmmm but… but I am  feeling little shy…

@Ayesha : listen Esha… take out your shyness and flush it on the toilet….. You have to do it… best of luck…

Said this Nikita cut the call..

Taking a deep breath Ayesha said to herself ‘Yes… I can do it… I am not doing anything wrong’

Ayesha slowly opened the door and peeked outside from inside the bathroom… not seeing any trace of Amaan in the room she hurriedly entered into the room…picked up the shopping bag  then again entered into the bathroom.

But in this hurry she missed that one person was watching her every move from the balcony with a amused face.
After some time with a click sound the bathroom door was opened and a person came out very slowly….. Looking up from laptop Amaans breath got hitched for a moment seeing the person in front of him. He hurriedly turned his face and  closing his laptop he got up from the sofa and without saying anything he entered into the bathroom…

Ayesha stood stunned…

‘am I not attractive’….. ‘is he get angry because of my action’
After some time Amaan came out of the bathroom…

AMAAN : uhum uhum ( made a sound by clearing his throat) ….. You haven’t slept yet… ( said without looking towards her)

Ayesha was looking at him for some time without replied anything..

When Amaan got no replied he looked towards her and saw that she is staring at him .

AMAAN : hey! What happened?

AYESHA : Don’t you like me?

AMAAN : what? Why do you think that?

AYESHA : If you had liked me… then you would have definitely reacted… but you didn’t…

AMAAN : How do YOU know that I didn’t have any REACTION? ( said with a sly smile)

AYESHA : of course… if you had any reaction th- ( realizing what Amaan has actually meant…her face became completely red)

Seeing her like this Amaan enjoyed a lot..

AMAAN : ok… now go to sleep… it is quite late..

AYESHA : No (grabbed Amaan's wrist)
AMAAN : what?

AYESHA : I… I… I ..want… I want to… (took a deep breath)… I want to consummate our marriage…(said in a one breath).

AMAAN : what?

AYESHA : I already said na… why are you asking again? ( Said lowering her head in shyness)

Amaan took steps near Ayesha… and cupping her face in his hand he said..

AMAAN : I don’t want you to regret in future.

AYESHA : why do you think I will regret? Will you cheat on me with other woman in future?


AYESHA : Then?

AMAAN : I know what people say behind our back….they say that you are so beautiful but still you have get married with a person who had a ugly scar on his face…just because your fiancé had cheated on you …

AYESHA : I don’t care about people… for me you are the most handsome man in the world…

AMAAN : I am giving you one last chance…If I take the next step then there will be no turning back… you will be mine forever…

AYESHA : I want to be…

Amaan didn’t control anymore…

Amaan  leaned towards Ayesha's lips and capture it with his lips… gently started to sucked it….. Ayesha melted in his gentleness…

Gradually the temperature of the room increased by their passionate love.....gradually they immersed in the sea of their love…..

In this night… two souls become one… . and The Moon witnessed their love through the gap of the curtain…..

( Hey don’t try to peek….. Let the couple enjoy their intimate moments)

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