Chapter - 24

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Third Person’s POV
Ayesha was looking outside through the window….. Amaan came near her….hugged her from behind and kept his chin on her shoulder…
AMAAN : still thinking about it?
AYESHA : Amaan, is it possible that you guys have made a mistake about this?
Amaan turned Ayesha towards himself… and put his arms on her both shoulder…
AMAAN : I wish ,we were made a mistake to judge it … but it is not…Ayesha….the chance of this to be a mistake is very low…
AYESHA : why? How ca you so sure about it?
AMAAN : I personally double checked all the information…
AYESHA : but there were so many people in the office….
AMAAN : Yes I know but everyone had not the permission to access that bank account…
AYESHA : yeah….. But… I don’t understand one thing….then why does Puja mami know everything about all the  plans…
AYESHA :  because Shalini ma ( Ayesha’s mother ) has told her everything… she (Puja mami) is the only one who knows each and everything except me and Shalini ma….. grandpa (Monohar) and Kritika don’t know everything… they only know some of it…
AYESHA : why mom told her everything?? I mean what if chote mamu is the culprit? Then??
AMAAN : Though Shalini ma isn’t suffering from cancer….. But you know her health is not very well….. and she is always worried about you… so she has told Puja mami everything so that if anything happened to her at least Puja mami could protect you…..She (Shalini) knows Puja mami loves you like she loves her own daughters…..……
AYESHA : why??Does this mean chote mamu also knows everything…
AMAAN : Noo… though we don’t doubt him much… but still we are not sure….. and we know Puja mami will never tell him…
AYESHA : I am still confused… who it can be and why???
AMAAN : Your father's death was not an accident it was a planned murder…
AYESHA : What??? What are you saying Amaan?? Who did that?? I will not spare him….. Just tell me the name… who?? Who had done it ?
AMAAN : we are not sure about the culprit.…
AYESHA : what do you mean your not sure about the culprit? Then how can you say that it was a murder..?
AMAAN : because the both truck drivers  has confirmed that they were paid to do that accident…but the strange thing is they didn’t know about each other..…. and It’s been 12 years since that incident….. So it is difficult to find firm proofs….. But we are still trying…..
AYESHA : wait… I am very confused… what do mean by they both didn’t know about each other??....If they were paid then ask them who had paid them??? … .and one more thing….. Why… how could this be a reason for my mother to lie about the marriage and her illness…
AMAAN : I know it is a lot of information … let me tell you slowly… first of all no one had paid the drivers personally…one was directly paid from a official bank account which is actually the official bank account of yours uncles company…and the other one had paid indirectly from that account ....the money was transferred from the official account  to a person bank account and it was paid from that account to one of the truck driver…and the account holder had died on the same year……
AYESHA : what?
AMAAN : Yess….and only 5 people could access that official account  of the company at that time… they were – your grandfather (Rajendra) ,  your both uncles, your mother and your grandma….. of course your mother was not the one… and it was your grandma who had told your mother about this… so.. there are three person  who is on the doubt list… your uncles and your grandfather…
AYESHA : what do you mean grandma told this to my mother…
AMAAN : “He wants revenge…he murdered Ashish… Ayesha…They will…”- it was your grandma’s last words… she had died before  she could complete her sentence …….. But before we could start our investigation properly… Shalini ma had come to know about the properties and Bare mamu's plan to married you off to someone ….. So first we had to focus on the marriage situation….. So in this one year we have only found out these things… we hope we will soon find out more information related to the accident….
AYESHA : So you mean to say…..between my Nanu (Grandpa) and my uncles any one could be the murderer of my father…
AMAAN : hmm… maybe two
Ayesha looked at him with questing gaze..
AMAAN : Two hit men were hired… if only one person would hire them… then why would had he paid  the two drivers in two different ways… he could have paid the both of them on the same way…
AYESHA : Two person…..why? Is it because of those properties….they snatched  my papa from me…(she said to herself incredulously)
AMAAN : No…there is something more.. Not because of property…
AYESHA : what?
AMAAN : we don’t find out yet… but it was not only about property…..there is something more….. we are still investigating…
AMAAN : we will find out very soon… I promise… I will not spare them…
AYESHA : I don’t understand one more thing…
AMAAN : What???
AYESHA : when my mom came to know about the truth of my father’s death… why didn’t she tell me first ??.… why did she tell Puja mami… and even told you…
AMAAN : hey!! What do mean EVEN you??what is your problem with me? She had told me… because she knew I could help her and she didn’t want to make you sad… she knew how much you would be sad knowing this….. and also….. (didn’t complete his sentence just gave a sly smile)
AYESHA : and also..??? Also what???
Amaan still didn’t said anything just continue smiling…
AYESHA : why are you smiling? Say to me na please … say na… also what??
AMAAN : you know what …I am thinking to spend one more day here….. I am going out to buy some groceries… do you need anything for you?
AYESHA : what I am saying… and what you are answering..….. Amaan….. AMAAN..
Without answering anything Amaan left the room smiling and Ayesha stomped her feet in anger…

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