Chapter - 17

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Third Person's POV

Ayesha was in her deep thought when Amaan finished his call with someone.

AMAAN : what are you thinking??

AYESHA : You knew… right?

AMAAN : knew what?

AYESHA : That dadaji ( grandpa) will make you the CEO.

AMAAN : why do you think so? (Asked with a amused face)

AYESHA : you say na… you knew ….right?

AMAAN : No first you answer my question… ( sat in front of Ayesha on the bed)

AYESHA  : because I know  though dadaji is the head of the house but still I don’t think so that he has that much courage to take a decision related you without asking you.

AMAAN : why am I that much dangerous….. Ohh no no.. Wait… I am the AKhru… that’s why…

Hearing this Ayesha’s face became red.

AYESHA : This I used to say before (lower her head in shyness ) ….......But how did you know ?... Oh yeah… I remember that day in front of the airport….Nikita had told this…… but you still remember…You memory is quite good (said  impressively)

AMAAN : (chuckled) Yes my memory is good but I didn’t remember it…I had forgotten about that.

AYESHA : Then?

AMAAN : Nikita had called you yesterday… when you were sleeping…
Ayesha looked at him with a raised eyebrows.

Amaan continued…

AMAAN : She didn’t know that it was me who hasl received the call …before I could speak she started speaking nonstop….. Then she asked “how is your Akhru?” then I remembered the name.

AYESHA : That Nikki….I will beat her.

AMAAN : but I want to give her  present...

AYESHA : why?

AMAAN : because of her you had showed so much courage to seduce me… so of course I should give her a present.

AYESHA : What? She said you this also?
Amaan smiled widely.

AYESHA : Ohh god..( she face palmed herself in shyness) ……she really need a beat…

AMAAN : ok then beat her tomorrow…

AYESHA : you want me to go to London tomorr-…… wait  Is she coming?…( asked excitedly)

Amaan nodded his head…

AMAAN : that’s why she had called you tomorrow…

Ayesha became very happy…….. Amaan was going to get up from the bed when Ayesha hold his wrist.

Amaan looked at Ayesha in a questioning gaze.

AYESHA : you didn’t answer my question.

AMAAN : Yes.. Your are right… I knew about this… dadu (grandpa) had asked me…

AYESHA : why did you agree? As far as I know  you have no interest in Mohit uncle's business… you don’t want that… then why did you suddenly agree…… is it because of the incident in the hotel?

AMAAN : Don’t give so much pressure to you little brain… it will not able to handle it… ( taped on her forehead lightly)

AYESHA : ouch! ( faking hurt and pout )

AMAAN : I had told you na…  don’t do this…

AYESHA : what are yo- ummm
Before Ayesha could complete her sentence Amaan smashed his lips on her…and started to sucking it… .

Gradually temperature of the room and their body both increased.... and they both ended up in the bed naked in each other arms …..

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