Chapter - 29

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Third Person's POV
Ayesha entered into the room and saw Amaan was crying …… she went near her and hugged her tightly…..
AMAAN : I am such a bad brother…when he was born I had promised him… I will protect him…I had promised my mother I will be a good big brother but look what have I done….. Nothing… I did nothing… my little brother was suffering but I did nothing…
AYESHA : no Amaan no….. It’s not your fault… you didn’t know…if you had known you would  have never let your brother suffer….. You are a very good brother… please don’t cry…
Ayesha could understand how Amaan was feeling after knowing all the truth…
AMAAN : what… do…you mean… by.. You are… the reason behind… mom's death ?(asked in a trembling voice)
AKASH : It was me who had pulled the knob of the gas cylinder…(sobbing)
Amaan was very shocked after knowing  the bitter truth….
AKASH : I am sorry… I didn’t know… I am guilty… I have killed my own mother…I am a murderer (started crying loudly)
Hearing Akash's cry Amaan came back in his sense….. Amaan again pulled Akash in his embrace…
AMAAN : No.. Brother…no… you are not… you’re not a murderer….. You are so little back then… how could you do such thing….
AKASH : Yes I did… she also has a video of me pulling the knob…
AYESHA : who?
TARA : Lalita Kanna..
AYESHA : I am very confuse… what is happening??? How suddenly she is not  Akash’s mother anymore? I don’t understand anything…
TARA : I am telling you everything from the start….. Akash and I used to date each other…no one knew about it….. but one day Akash’s mom … I mean Lalita Khanna came to me and blackmailed to convince Akash to marry you….. and after much effort finally I had made Akash agree to marry you…
AMAAN : blackmail? How did she blackmailed you???
TARA : wo… wo… I had done a abortion..
AYESHA : Abortion?
TARA : Yes… I was once pregnant before… but I had aborted that baby without Akash’s knowledge…
AYESHA : what? How could you….. Forget it….. Continue….. What happened after that…..
TARA : as you know everything how our marriage has happened….. Do you remember about the hotel incident?
AYESHA : hmm… yeah…
TARA : It was also her plan…
TARA : Yes… she had again blackmailed us but as I had already told Akash about the pregnancy… and he forgave me… so this time she blackmailed us with the video where Akash pulled the knob of the gas and because of that when Amrita aunty had tried to light the gas whole kitchen got fire and…… (sigh) she died because of that accident…… she (Lalita) threatened us if we don’t do as she say then she will Showed Amaan bhai that video… we were afraid so we did as she had instructed…
AYESHA : but what did she get by doing that??
AMAAN : She Wanted to create misunderstanding between us…
TARA : Yes…
AYESHA : when did you find out that she is not Amaan’s Mother?
TARA : I couldn't believe that any mother could blackmail her child in this way…. So I told my mother everything… and you know how my mother is….. She always doubts everything….. So she suggest me to do a DNA test… and with my mother’s help I had done a DNA test of Akash and Lalita Khanna in a laboratory of my mother’s friend…..and we came to know that they have actually no relationship between them…..we were confused if Lalita Khanna isn’t Akash's mother then who is?? And mom said that Mohit uncle had accepted that he had a physical relationship with Lalita aunty… we were very confused…
TARA : I had some doubts….so I wanted to take a DNA test between Mohit uncle and Akash but I didn’t get the chance to collect any sample from Mohit uncle’s room as there was always someone present in the room….so I had done a DNA test between Amaan bhai and Akash… and then everything becomes clear…
AYESHA : Then how did you collect Amaan’s sample?
TARA : wo… when you guys were not present in the room I took a toothbrush of Amaan bhai…
AYESHA : ohhh that’s why your toothbrush was missing….. I thought it was maid who maybe throw it accidentally…
AMAAN : Amrit(Akash), look at me… don’t be guilty… you were just a child back then….. Now look your brother is here… I will not spare  'that woman'… she is the main culprit… you are not….. If you cry like this… mom will not be happy in heaven… don’t cry brother….
AYESHA : Tara, I still didn’t understand one thing…
TARA : You still have question???
AYESHA : Yes… it was clear that you came to know about Akash’s real mother… but why did you put this accident stunt???
TARA : That…(chuckled) to let the cat out of the bag…
AYESHA : what???
TARA : you will know very soon…
Flashback End..
AYESHA : Amaan please don’t cry like this… if you cry I will be sad… and If I will sad then our baby will also be sad…do you want that??
Amaan nodded her head negatively….
AMAAN : No… I will never make you and my baby sad… I promise you Ayesha…I will not let you and my baby suffer for a little bit…..I will make everything fine very soon…. I could not be a good brother and a good son.... But I promise I will be the good husband and good father…
AYESHA : you are already very good… you are the best…
AKASH : Yes… brother…
They ( Amaan and Ayesha) look towards the door and saw Akash and Tara were standing..
AKASH : we will make everything fine together…
Both brother hugged each other… and both sister also happily hugged each other…

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