Chapter - 18

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Third Person's POV

Ayesha was very tensed from the morning….she was continuously praying to god for her mother…..because today a medical  check up report of her mother will come out ….. After this report the doctors will take decision about further treatment.

She was taking so much tension that her blood pressure go down… so Amaan order her to take rest at home…he even arranged a maid to check on her so that she doesn’t get up from her bed …..he has promised he will tell her every details after talking with doctor..… and he will not hide anything from her about the report….. Ayesha had tried to denied about her staying at home but it had no use.

But she couldn’t take it anymore…… she couldn’t just take rest at home just because her BP is low….... So now she is going to the hospital….. She knows that Amaan will be very angry at her and also on her maid…but she will handle this later… but now her mother is important more than anything…

When she was about to enter into the car some one  stopped her from behind….. She was already very tensed and now she became angry and irritated hearing the voice.

AYESHA : What? (Said with irritation)

TARA : Ashu, I know today bua's (father’s sister) medical report will come… are you going to the hospital for that?
AYESHA yes…... Do you have a problem? (Said coldly)

TARA : No… I heard from the maid that you have  low blood pressure….you were almost going to faint …..are you alright now??

AYESHA : why? Why do you care? If I am ok or not? What is your problem…why do you showing your fake concerns? Or now do you have other plans to do something in my life?

TARA : I know Ashu, you are very angry with me … you should be… what I did that deserve that… but Ashu, there is no fake concerns… I really care about you… please forgive me….. I am really sorry…(tears falls from her eyes)

AYESHA : sorry? Sorry for what? How many times are you going to ask for forgiveness….. Do one thing… first you use all your wicked plans then finally ask for forgiveness… then it  will be easy ….. then you don’t have to ask for forgiveness repeatedly.

TARA : please Ashu forgive me … please… I am really sorry ( clasped her hands together like apologizing )

AYESHA : stop your drama… I will not fall for it again….. You act so well… you should be in film industry….. I really thought you were pregnant… I was so happy for you… I thought…

TARA : That’s not lie… I am really pregnant… I am 3 and half months  months pregnant.

Ayesha looked at Tara's belly.

AYESHA : what ? You are really pregnant… ( said in a disbelief tone)

TARA : yes… it is still properly not visible yet.

AYESHA : then how dangerous you are!!!! You even lied about your child…… 3 and half months pregnant.... That means  2 months before my marriage date you conceived…… though I am very happy with Amaan… but I am just curious…  how many  months actually had you both been  cheating on me…..?

Tara didn’t said anything she just lowered her head.

AYESHA : … did you plan to marry him when you opened your leg like a slut for him or just thought to do it for fun (Said very angrily)

Ayesha herself didn’t understand why she was talking  like this… she never talked so badly with anyone before ….. But today after seeing Tara she couldn’t control her anger.

TARA : Ashu, please don’t say like this… I am your sister… ( crying)

AYESHA : ohh now you remember that you are my sister… when you had started a relationship with my fiancé, when you had tried to frame me and tried to  ruined my marriage life… then didn’t you remember that you are my sister…
Tara continued crying… she didn’t said anything.

AYESHA : you know what Tara…it is better to have no sister than having a sister like you… I wish I never have a sister like you.

Said this Ayesha sat into the car and with a force she closed the door of the car… which made a thud sound.

She directly went to the hospital…..
Arriving at the hospital she thought to went to her mother’s ward first then after that  she will go to the doctor's office to talk with him.

When she was  about to open the door of her mother's  ward from outside... Some words froze her hand in  middle air…

She couldn’t believe in her own ears…
Tears were continuously falling from her eyes… her whole body became numb… like someone has drained out all the energy  from her body.

Taking a deep breathe and with some courage… she opened the door… and very slowly like a whisper asked one question –


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