Chapter - 13

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Third Person’s POV

Opening eyes the first thing Ayesha saw was Amaan's peaceful sleeping face…
Remembering previous night’s love making Ayesha’s face became completely Red…..Ayesha Knows that yesterday night she has not only given her body but also her heart to him….. She is now completely his…

After looking at his face for some time Ayesha subconsciously started to caress on the scar of Amaan's face…

Amaan was woke by her touch…

AMAAN : Good morning ( took her hand from his face and kissed on it)

AYESHA : Good morning… (gave a beautiful smile)

AMAAN : are you sore anywhere?

AYESHA : yes…a little ( said this hide her face in the blanket in shyness)

AMAAN : (Smiled seeing her action) Tomorrow I will have to go to Pune ( a city  in  Maharashtra,  in India ) … will you come with me…

AYESHA : will you want me to come?

AMAAN : Yess..

AYESHA : Then I will go…

They both looked at each other eyes for some moment…

AYESHA : Amaan, can I ask you something?

AMAAN : yess

AYESHA : I have noticed in these days… every time when you stand in front of the mirror before going to work…You touch the scar and after that your eyes  become more cold….. Why? Does it reminds you the incident ?............Do you miss your mother? ….......... Does it still hurt?

Hearing this Amaan's face became solemn ….

AYESHA : if you don’t want to say it…it’s ok…you  don’t have to say… (seeing his solemn face)

AMAAN : No…it’s ok……yes… it’s reminds me  of the incident……and hurt? Yes it still hurts but not here… it hurts here ( point towards his heart) ….. It reminds me all the pain my mom had suffered….. It reminds me how useless I was… I couldn’t even save my mother… .
Ayesha didn’t replied anything … she hugged Amaan tightly…Amaan also reciprocated  the hug..

They were staying quietly in each other embrace and  were enjoying their closeness…

Ayesha understand that… Amaan is not a arrogant or cold hearted person as she used to think… she has already experienced his gentleness ….. She realized it is the incident of his mother’s death…. the guilt of not being able to save his mother made him such a man    . Today she ( Ayesha)  has promised herself… she will give her all the happiness… she will help him to forget his pain…

Thinking this with a smile in her face she snuggled more in Amaan's arm… Amaan also happily embraced her.


Ayesha’s POV

A delicious smell broke my nap ….. I am now in a apartment in Pune… yes we have reached in the morning…and Amaan has already left for his work… I am alone in this apartment….wait ? Yeah right… I am alone in this apartment… then where does this smell is coming from?

With slow steps I entered into the kitchen… seeing the scene in front of me I was stunned.

Here my husband is cooking food… and was looking very sexy…I was drooling over him.

AMAAN : You can eat me later but first you have to eat some food.

My face became red like a tomato hearing this

AYESHA : shut up.

AMAAN : what? You don’t want to eat me? Ok your choice….. But I will eat you… I miss my favourite dessert…hurry up eat the food… so that I can eat my sweet dessert.

AYESHA : pervert.

Ayesha has never expected Amaan can talk like this… but Amaan always makes her surprised with his new sides.

AYESHA : I didn’t that know that you know cooking…

AMAAN : Yeah I know… But what's the point? I still can’t make the delicious  chocolate sandwiches.

AYESHA : are you making fun of me?

AMAAN : Nope…

Ayesha pouted like a child….. Amaan got up from his chair and came near Ayesha…..kissing on her lips he picked up her from the chair….and carry her to their room in bridal style…

AYESHA : Heeyyy.

AMAAN : I want my dessert now…

Within some minutes the two bodies entangled with each other in the passion of love…..

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