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Third Person’s POV
AYESHA : Amaan
AMAAN : don’t you like it…
AYESHA : you…
She caresed the place of Amaan's face where the scar was..
AMAAN : I don’t want it to remind me any pain of my mother anymore….. Now I only want to remember the happy faces of my mother……..don’t you like this handsome Amaan??
AYESHA : You’re always handsome, Mr Akhru (chuckled)
Before Amaan could say anything a baby sounds came…
AMAAN : look  like my angel is protesting…
They went near the crib where little Mayesha was…
AMAAN : yes… sweetheart… Your mumma has called me Akhru… you should scold her…
Little Mayesha was also looking at her father's new look  with her beautiful eyes .....
5 Years later
The whole Khanna family were eating breakfast at the dining table together…
In this five years many things has happened….. The home “Devashish” has made….. RAJVEER Chauhan got  release from jail as he was not directly murder anyone… he had only help his sister by funding money….. He asked forgiveness from Ayesha, Shalini and also from his wife Tanisha and his children….. Ayesha has actually forgiven him..... She  said “my father had taught me to forgive everyone….and also ….I don’t know, the fatherly love you had shown was it true or false but it had given me the strength to live….. So I forgive you”
In this five years Mohit's health has also improved… he is still in wheelchair but now he can used his hand and speak…
Tara also gave birth two sons in these five years… now they (Amrit and Tara) are parents of three…
AMAAN : what happened sweetheart…why are you looking at me like this?
MAYESHA : Daddy… do you know magic??
AMAAN : Why??
MAYESHA : I have seen your old photos…on the old photos you have scar here (pointing the spot) but now you don’t have… how??
AMAAN : hmm….Actually an angel has come in my life and took that pain away…
MAYESHA : An Angel??? Where is the Angel now?? I want to see it..
AMAAN : Here is the Angel…(point towards Mayesha)
AMAAN : Yess… you are my Angel…my sweetheart..
AMRIT : no no… you are our Angel…
Hearing this Mayesha giggled cutely…
MAYESHA : what about him? (Pointing at Rohan, Amrit and Tara's eldest son)
AMRIT : He… he is devil…
ROHAN : yeah because you are my father…
TARA : guys… please don’t start… you are father and son… not two brothers….
AMRIT : yeah say this to your son…
ROHAN : No say this to your husband…
MAYESHA : ok ok… I am an Angel… I am making  peace between you… ( she acted something with her hand like she is doing some magic)
Every one smiled seeing her action…
Ayesha was looking at all the family members with a happy and satisfied smile in her face… she was thanking the mastermind  in her mind for her planned marriage….. No… not her mother… the real mastermind of everything…… GOD…she knows he is the real planner of everything….. She hopes he plans everything good for everyone’s life…
        --------------THE END-------------
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                           Stay Healthy, Stay Happy
                                         - Have_TRI_lock

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