Chapter- 16

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Ayesha’s POV

We were all sitting in the living room and waiting for Manohar grandpa to come…
I don’t know why grandpa has requested all of us to present in the living room… he just said that he has a very important thing to announce….. God knows what it is…

Yes… Tara and Akash also present here… Tara tried to talk to me but I have totally ignored her…huuh… she has the nerve to talk to me after that incident… I will never forgive her… she tried to ruin our (mine and Amaan's) relationship ….I will never forgive her for this…..

And Akash? He is the sitting in a corner of a sofa with lowered head… like he is ashamed or guilty for doing something… . I don’t care if he is feeling ashamed or guilty… I will not forgive him also….. It is good that Amaan had trusted me… but what if he didn’t believe me  after seeing that scene in front of him … then what would have happened? … O god….. I don’t want to think that…..but I was quite surprised by Amaan’s so much gentle behaviour….. His behaviour towards me making me fall for him ever more deeply day by day….. Now I feel funny thinking that I  had given him the name Akhru….. He is here sitting in a single sofa like a king….. My handsome king….. I think he  has sensed my gaze towards him… so he looked at me … I smiled at him… he also smiled back.
Manohar grandpa enter into the living room with grandma.

MANOHAR grandpa : As you all know I called you all here to announce a important decision which I have taken…… do any of you have any idea what that is?

Lalita (Mother-in-law) : No papaji (father-in-law) … what is the important thing you want to tell us ?

MANOHAR grandpa : ok… so as you all know that I was handling the company in all these years in the hope that Mohit will get well and after that he will again handle the company .… but no improvement has happened in his health (sighed looking at Mohit …who was sitting in a wheelchair)…… and you all can see that I am also getting old… so I have decided to handover the position… I don’t want to handle it anymore…

Akash  looked  at grandpa with a brighten face….. Of course we all know he is going to be the successor… as Amaan has no interest in his father's company….. There is smile on Tara and Lalita mummy’s face also.

MANOHAR grandpa :  I have already sent press release to the media and mails to company’s mailbox… so within evening everyone will know the name of our company’s new CEO ….Mr. Amaan Khanna.


I looked at Amaan shockingly….. But there is no emotions in Amaan's face….. Like shocked, happiness, or saddened anything… but nothing… he is not even trying to deny grandpa’s decision….. he is just sitting there with his regular face… seeing his face like this it is not seeming that grandpa has announced something just now ….. Did I hear wrong?

No I didn’t heard wrong..…  the shocking expression of rest of the people is  a clear proof that grandpa has announced Amaan as the new CEO.

But why? And why he is accepting this?

MANOHAR GRANDPA : okk… so Amaan…now please  sign the documents…
Amaan sign some documents.

MANOHAR GRANDPA : congratulations dear… I hope you will not disappoint me.

AMAAN : don’t worry grandpa… I will not disappoint you.

LALITA : congratulations beta… I am so happy for you.

Amaan ignore her completely…
AMAAN : Ayesha… lets go.

we came to our room… everyone else also went their own rooms..

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