Chapter - 28

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Third Person's POV
Amaan entered into his bedroom from outside and saw Ayesha was sitting on the couch beside the window… looking at the sky… he went near her …sat beside her and hugged her from behind…
AMAAN : why are you not sleep yet?? If you will have not enough sleep… how can our little one  get enough sleep?
AYESHA : you guys still don’t trust me enough… right?
Hearing this Amaan frowned but he suddenly realized what Ayesha was talking about… he got up from couch and sit in front of Ayesha… Now he is facing Ayesha….cupping her face in his palm he said..
AMAAN : I trust you… we all trust you… I was going to tell you ….I would have told you if 'that woman' didn’t interrupt our conversation… and now I know that Tanisha mami has already told you….. I have thought I'd take you to her tomorrow, so I didn't say anything....
AYESHA : I am not talking about today, Amaan….. You could have informed me beforehand…
AMAAN : Ayesha, it was so sudden that I didn’t get the chance to –
AYESHA : Sudden??? (Gave a sarcastic laugh) … Amaan… you want me to believe that… this big accident you guys have planned suddenly… am I a child??
AMAAN : No Ayesha… I didn’t know about this beforehand… I came to know about it just the day before yesterday….
AYESHA :Still there was one day….. And How could you not know from the starting??
AMAAN : Tomorrow I will tell you about these things….. and I didn’t tell you in this one day… because you
know people says even wall has ears… I don’t want to take any risk…
AYESHA : hmmph!
Ayesha got up from there and went to her bed…
AMAAN : Hey don’t be angry anymore please….. Look you used to call me Akhru ….. So my genes are already in my child… and if you are angry like this… then just imagine how much grumpiness our child will have??
Hearing this Ayesha chuckled….. Amaan kissed her forehead…
AMAAN : Everything will be alright very soon….. I want our child to born in a happy atmosphere….no planning against each other… no hide and seek… every thing will be pure….every relationship will be pure and clean….. I will make everything fine for my child…
Said these he kissed on Ayesha’s tummy…
AMAAN : now go to sleep or I will not take you tomorrow to meet her…
Ayesha and Amaan both lay down on bed and sleep in each other’s arms..
Next day Ayesha and Amaan both went to Pune at Amaan’s apartment…
As grandma didn’t want to let  Ayesha go out of house after Tara's incident … so Amaan had to convinced her…he has told her that he has an important work and also if Ayesha would go out then she will feel  She needs some change….. and he will also take full care of her….. After Amaan’s many insistence finally Grandma had agreed to let Ayesha go with Amaan…
Reaching at the Apartment Ayesha pressed the calling bell…
When the person from inside open the door without any delay Ayesha hugged that person tightly…
AMAAN : careful… you both are pregnant….
TARA : o god  Ashu… Although I did not die in the accident but I think now I will die of suffocation from the pressure of your hug..
AYESHA : shut up… don’t speak nonsense… (hit on Tara's arm lightly)
AMAAN : okk… now let’s go inside and then we can talk…
They settled in the living room of the Apartment…
AMAAN : Now speak… Tara, why did you put this stunt? And who is Akash's real mother?
AYESHA : Akash's real mother?
TARA : I know Amaan bhai you’re more eager to know the second answer than the first one….and I also understand that when I had said you that Lalita Khanna isn’t Akash’s real mother you have guessed an identity of his real mother….yes … you have guessed it right… he is your real brother…
Ayesha was looking at them confusingly… she didn’t understand anything they were talking about… she was very confused… before she could asked anything the main door of apartment opened and Akash entered….and within seconds Amaan went near Akash and hugged him tightly….. This is the first time Amaan has hugged him….. Amaan had never behave badly with Akash but he used to behave coldly with him .
There were tears on Amaan's smiling face…
AMAAN : My brother… my little brother, Amrit ….. Amrita's (Amaan’s mother name) Amrit….. If mother had alive –
Before Amaan could complete his sentence Akash started crying loudly…
AKASH : I am sorry….. I… am… sorry brother….I am sorry…
AMAAN : Hey! What happened? Why are you saying sorry? Everything is fine…
AKASH : It was… me… It was… me… who…
AMAAN : you?.... You what??
AKASH : I….I was… the… reason behind….. Mom's death.

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