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at some points in your life, you may be absolutely convinced about certain opinions you have. but sometimes, a thing, occurrence, or perhaps a person can change that, no matter how far you convince yourself you're right.

you practically rolled off of your bed in an attempt to wake up. you slid down the stairs with ease in your nightgown. you started off the day, same as usual, with a Mondstadt Hashbrown.

the cold air of Snezhnaya refrained from entering your house due to you always keeping the doors and windows closed. it was deathly cold out there, if you stood still for too long, you'd freeze to death.

it was eerily quiet in your house ever since your brother died and your mother ran off to who-knows-where. your mother must be miserable without you, so you don't mind too much. your brother though, that's a story for later.

you stuffed the hashbrown into your mouth before running off to get dressed. living in a huge mansion by yourself is very relaxing.

you slipped your nightgown over your body in preparation for your day clothes. you put on an outfit that you could easily access all of your strengths in.

you may not have a vision, but you were strong enough to face those with. you had fought and won against many vision wielders in the past. just by your sheer physical damage and flexibility you had conquered your way through Teyvat.

you had a special map that could bring you to specific pinpoints in each nation, so visiting your family was easy. well, when you had family.

you were acquainted with many respected, famous people along the way, so you were loaded. you were yet to go to Snezhnaya, but that was what your main goal was. your goal was to join the Fatui, and impose revenge on the one who betrayed your family.

for some unknown reason, the 8th of 11 Fatui harbingers, 'La Signora' murdered your brother. he used to be a skirmisher in the Fatui, but it's inconclusive the reason why Signora killed him.

you and your brother were very close, best friends in fact. you used to do everything together. he used to come home every weekend from his job and hang out with you and your mom.

the day you and your mother got the letter of his death was the worst day of your life. your mother was so distraught by the news she ran off in the night. she left you alone, to fend for yourself in the small village you were raised in. but look at you now, alone, but in a larger and fancier house.

today was the day you got officially recruited into the Fatui. you were nervous, but proud that you were acting on the promise you made to yourself so many moons ago. "i will find and kill whoever did this to you, brother."

you stood still at the look of your reflection in the mirror, and took a deep breath. vengeance.


it's been 2 years since you joined the fatui, and you've rapidly risen through the ranks. now, your job entails keeping each meeting in check, as well as making sure nobody uses the secret information that is spread at meetings.

this was the first meeting you were at that each of the available harbingers attended. including her. you've waited years for the opportunity to see her in person, and today was finally the day. you couldn't act on your anger though, your plan would go to shit.

all you had to do was stand in the corner, watching over the attendees, and trying not to murder that bitch. easy enough.

you pushed open the large doors to the grande meeting room. in the middle of the room was a long table, spacey enough to fit a large amount of people. you situated yourself in the corner, as none of the attending members have arrived.

you admired the tall ceilings and elongated table, when a group of people walked in. the harbingers.

first came a ginger-haired man with a fatui mask clung to the side of his head. you recognized that one as the one and only, 'Tartaglia', codename Childe. he had a smug smirk on his face and stared at the kid next to him. speaking of, next came a short kid with a dark blue bowl cut. his hat barely made it through the door as it was so wide. definitely Scaramouche. he had a pissed expression on his face and from what you had heard about him, that was his resting face.

then came a light-blue haired man, with a unique mask covering most of his face. there were holes for his eyes and a cutout for his left cheek and half his mouth. most definitely 'Il Dottore'. he appeared even more pissed than Scaramouche, but when he noticed you in the corner, he smiled and nodded his head. you nodded back and kept your indifferent expression on your face. you weren't authorized to speak to the harbingers just yet.

then came her. her crimson coat dragged along the floor and a smile crept up onto her face while watching Childe annoy Scaramouche. hatred flooded your body and almost made you blind to your rules for yourself. 'you can't hurt her this soon.' you almost gave into the urges until a hand grabbing your shoulder snapped you out of it.

"are you okay, dear?" a weirdly satisfying voice rang through my ears, my head snapped to the side to see Dottore. he had an amused but cautious smile plastered on his face. you nodded ever so slightly as to not break the rule to not speak to them.

he nodded back but his gaze lingered on you as he sat down. it seemed as though he was deep in thought while his smile slowly dropped. he glared back at me with accusing eyes.

you tried your hardest not to look at Signora and trigger your anger again. the meeting went on about boring stuff. Il Dottore kept taking little glances at you throughout the duration of the meeting.

you could hear Tartaglia and Scaramouche snickering quietly for the whole meeting. it was exhausting standing there and listening in, but it was worth your research and revenge.

once the meeting had finally concluded, all the harbingers stood up. Childe could finally let out a laugh since it was no longer quiet in the room.

you only needed to stay there for the duration of the meeting, so you began walking out of the room. once you were out, the sun was setting and placed an orange hue on the furniture through the windows.

you pushed the door to leave, but you were suddenly flung against the wall, your arms restrained with a tight grip.

"what are you planning dear?" a demented voice finally inquired. "what?" you asked in confusion as to why the masked man known as Il Dottore was threatening you.

"i said, what are you planning." he said with an even more threatening voice.

you stuttered on your words because you were still confused on how he caught on so quick. it had only been a single meeting and it has already gone downhill.

"well?" his voice sounded so persuasive, you almost gave up. "like i'd give up shit to you." you spat at him. his face was overcome by confusion, and he loosened his grip on you. he stepped away just to lean back into your face.

"don't try anything sweetheart."

I swear to fucking god this will be my last warning abt this. Y/N IS BASED OFF OF ME AND HOW I WOULD REACT. STOP CALLING HER ANNOYING. If I see any more comments like this after I've edited this message in, I'm fucking done and deleting the story for good.

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now