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you let him lead you to a large guest room, adorned with marble and elegant decorations. every step you two took led you to another fancy item to admire.

he watched you slowing every time you passed a notable art piece. he was still a little angry for you being so dense toward him, but that was starting to fade away. watching your childish amusement towards his home was worth the irritation.

you fell on the bed with a sigh, finally comfortable after being in an uncomfortable bed for a week. the Tsaritsa may be a queen, but she has no sense of comfort when it comes to beds. her mattress was hard as a rock.

the fluffy duvet warped around your body and you could just drift to sleep right then and there. Dottore still stood in the doorway.

he set one of the boxes down on the counter and stood above you. "3 hours. you will accompany me on a mission, no?" he asked. you nodded drowsily and almost drifted to sleep.

"it's not like i have a choice, do i.." you responded. he sighed and nodded.

Dottore was nice. although a week ago he tried to kill you, he was kind to you. he visited you every day at the Tsaritsa's house, and you two had become somewhat close. you didn't show vulnerability to him though. you couldn't afford to trust a harbinger, not after what happened with your brother.

you fell unconscious on the bed. you didn't even get under the blankets, you just laid there.

you had already fell asleep, and he was too mesmerized to leave. it was hard to admit, but he found you beautiful. a pain hit his stomach when his mind finally got a grip on itself. "get the fuck out of there Dottore, what are you doing??" he cleared his throat and stepped out, closing the door on the way.

he shouldn't be so amazed by you. he hasn't felt anything except bloodlust for his whole life, what was with you?


"wake up buttercup!" a whisper that was way too close to your face jolted you awake. you instinctively punched him in the throat, then immediately retracted your hand in shame.

"what the fuck dude??" you asked, still owning a raspy voice from your nap. there was a mechanical smell mostly covered up by cologne that followed him. the strong smell bombarded your senses.

he held his throat but still managed to laugh at you. he moved his face farther from yours.

your face flushed pink at how close he was. "we're going debt collecting~!" he sang excitedly. he's acting like possibly beating up people to pay their debt is fun. maybe he's into that?

"why are you so excited?" you asked, rubbing your eyes to wake you up. he was still rubbing his throat where you punched and you muttered a little 'sorry'.

you stood up and moved his hand away from his neck, but subconsciously keeping it in your hand. you held his hand while checking out the bruise that was already forming.

you looked up toward his face and his eyes were wide open and he was blushing, then you finally realized how you were holding him. you immediately let go and continued checking his bruise like nothing happened.

you let him go and went to a box that was left on a dresser. you picked out an outfit that would be acceptable for the job today. you found a good outfit and almost forgot he was there.

"do you mind?" you asked while his eyes were still following you. he seemed stuck in a trance by how he was staring. the red glow on his cheeks only grew. "oh yeah.." he cleared his throat and left you.

he closed the door and you made sure to lock it so nothing happened. you changed into the clothes and gazed into the mirror. a frown occupied your face, but you weren't sure why.

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now