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i may make a Discord server if enough people want to join. would anybody be interested in that?

"happy now?"

Dottore pulled off the mask that covered most of his face with one hand. he was nervous about your reaction, but he didn't show it.

scars covered his skin to the point where you couldn't tell if there was actually any unmarked skin there. what scared you the most was that some were recent.

your eyes widened and you let out a quiet squeal at the sight. you opened your mouth to talk but no words came out. his expression seemed indifferent despite the horrors that you were witnessing.

you dropped the box of cereal you were holding and that made cereal fall all over the counter. Dottore lifted his hand to put on his mask, disappointed that you were scared of him. or so he thought.

you stopped his arm from reaching his face and with your other thumb, grazed his cheek. you inspected his face to make sure he was okay. he was embarrassed and puzzled by your actions.

"what- are you doing?" he asked. you didn't make eye contact, and kept your focus on his scars. "are you okay? does any of this hurt?" you bombarded him with questions. he simply just nodded. you cared about him, why wouldn't you be concerned?

your fingers caressed his textured injuries. you didn't even realize your faces were way too close until he spoke. "any closer and we'd be kissing." he laughed.

you pulled away and blushed. hard. "are you sure you're okay?" you ignored his statement. you attempted to be distant with him considering the heated argument just a little while ago. but it was so hard. he was so charming and addictive and- you loved his presence.

he loved yours too, but had a much different way of expressing it. he's never felt this before, so he treats you like a test subject. partly because you are. the only safe way of not blurting out his feelings right away is to put on a facade.

he was truly a monster. he wanted you to love him, but the only way somebody stable would love him was to not be him. he needed to be someone else. somebody... sane.

you called over a butler to help with the mess, since you couldn't yourself. Dottore quickly mounted his mask back on his face. you must've apologized millions of times before Dottore pulled you away. he brought you outside and on the edge of the railing.

you noticed the city built on the side of the ocean. it was beautiful. the sandy environment went on for miles until it was met with a thick rainforest. even though you had been here before, you could never get over how pretty it was. the sun glittered on each spec of sand, the sounds of people cheering caught your attention.

it seemed like Dottore was famous here. he waved back to the crowds of people with a huge sense of pride. his half smile filled you with serotonin. he grabbed your hand and pulled you back inside, much to your dismay. you wanted to stand there for days on end.

he missed the feeling of your hand on his. he craved your touch. he practically dragged you to your room. "please, grab your things and we'll head out." he ordered you.

you did what you were told and took your bags out of the corner of the room. he left with you, and the bright light flooded the room when the doors opened.

the smell of the salty sea surged through your senses but you ignored it and admired the sandy environment. you had almost forgotten how beautiful Sumeru was.

even though the scenery somewhat distracted you, Dottore could tell you were still shaken up from what was under his mask. he wasn't sure how to comfort you without making it worse or just not affecting you at all.

the only people who have seen his face are the Tsaritsa, the other harbingers, and you. you were just a simple debt collector, why were you so special to him? none of these other people were scared of his face like you were. if any of the others were scared, he wouldn't care. why would he care that you were scared?

a pit was in your stomach, and you had no idea what to say to him. after seeing the horrors under his mask, it was hard to say anything at all. all you could do was keep walking out of the ship and onto land.

you both walked in silence until you were met with a few recruits. "sir Dottore, y/n, your assistance is needed this instant. these treasure hoarders have brought in a more... violent approach.."

you winced at the horrid thoughts that came with those words. you wondered what this was since it required a harbingers assistance, Dottore's at that. what if he got hurt? you tensed when you felt his comforting hand on your waist.

"ready darling?" he asked. you nodded without speaking and followed him to the site. the gravel crunching under both of your boots and was the only sound that kept you from complete silence.

"i'm-" "are you scared of me?" Dottore interrupted before you could speak your whole sentence. "what? um, well... i don't know." you confessed, glad the deafening silence subsided.

he stopped talking, contemplating what to say next. you took the initiative and spoke first. "i'm just... worried for you. i wasn't scared of you, i was scared of what hurt you. if that even makes sense.." you explained.

his eyes lit up and he stared at you. you were worried for him, not of him. "i'm fine, these are all healed." he smiled softly.

you reached the area you needed to get to, and there was a group of treasure hoarders along with some Fatui. "what's going on here?" Dottore yelled. his loud voice contrasted to his soft voice from mere seconds ago.

"we don't have the money, we've told you millions of times!" the front hoarder yelled back. it seemed there were a couple vision bearers scattered along the hoarders. that was the most you could see that would be more than usual. what about this called for Dottore being here?

"hand it over, vision-wielder scum." Dottore stated, venom dripping from his words. the main hoarder was taken aback by his violent pronunciation.

the hoarder made a signal with his hand to his group, and they all attacked. they slashed and ripped at the fatui like animals. Dottore instinctively pushed you into a bush before one of them could get you, hitting him instead.

you called out Dottore's name in hopes of saving him, but it was of no help. the man whacked Dottore on his waist, making him fall to the ground in pain.

you ran to him and fought off the people as hard as you could, defending Dottore at the same time while he recovered.

he fully recovered and got to his feet. as you were distracted with making sure he was okay, the main hoarder shot an arrow into your arm. you seethed in pain and held the wound in your hand.

Dottore winced at the sight of you in pain. blood dripped from the hole and it stung your body. you fell to your knees.

a surge of rage coursed through Dottore's body. how dare they shoot you. how dare they.

Dottore brought out his delusion and used its highest power. they were going to pay.

angry Dottore>>>

anyway, i hope you liked this chapter and please reply if you would be interested in the Discord server!

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