22.5 Alternate Ending

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he opened the door to his house once again, finally feeling the regret from kicking you out. the house felt dark and lonely, he missed your voice dearly.

he tried to convince himself it's what he had to do, but something felt off. it wasn't that he regretted it, it was a feeling that something horrible would happen. he knew you hated Signora but he wasn't totally sure why.

he figured that he could just sleep it off. he stepped up the stairs silently. he put his hand on the handle to his door, but he hesitated. he leaned his head on the door and let out a few tears. he groaned then pushed the door open.

he sat on his bed and held his face in his hands. he'd never be the same after you. he'll never be happy without you. this was for the best though, you said you'd never love him so what's the point?

Dottore cuddled into the covers and hugged his other pillow, desperate for that to be you. he held it tighter and stuffed his face in the pillow when he started to cry. will it always be this painful without you? he hoped soon he could get over leaving you because he knew you would never come back.

eventually, he fell asleep. he laid there holding the pillow close, pretending it was you. even through his sleep he still thought of you and the pain you caused.


he lingered around the area of Signora's house just in case you ran out for him. just in case you came up to him and forgave him. he wanted you to, but you never left the house. after a while, he walked back to his own house with his head hung in defeat.

when he was almost back at his house, he got a call. a call from Signora, in fact. his heartbeat quickened as any and all possible situations ran through his mind. he picked up the call. "Dottore!-" "did something happen? is she okay? did she do something?" he couldn't contain his worries. "jeez, Dottore, she's just fine." Signora's voice calmed him from the phone.

he was glad you were fine, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. "Dottore, come over as soon as you can, i have a surprise." her mischievous voice invited from over the phone. his nervousness rose again, what did she mean by that? "i swear to the Tsaritsa if it's something dumb i will-" he heard the disconnected ring from the device.

"fuck.." he mumbled to himself before sprinting over to Signora's house once again. he was tired from running, but he made it quickly. he burst through the large front doors and saw you on the ground, the surroundings flooded in your blood.

"ah! Dottore you made it!" Signora's voice boomed throughout the large room. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?" he yelled. he began to feel dizzy and was sick to his stomach. you were laying there, covered in wounds and on the brink of death.

he ran over to you as fast as he could and fell on his knees next to you. he was so panicked that he couldn't talk. his eyes widened and he was staring at you in horror. he was so absorbed in watching you that he was paralyzed. he wanted to help you, but all he could do was simply stare and hold you in his arms.


he awoke suddenly with a scream. he was panicking but he noticed that it was just a dream. he knew that feeling before he fell asleep was right, you were in danger. he got up and got some clothes on. he sprinted out of the house and ran as fast as he could possibly go.

there would be no way that he accepts that you die. he couldn't live with that. his legs almost gave out but he had to keep going. he arrived at Signora's house and swung the doors open.

"Y/N!!" he yelled. neither you nor Signora were anywhere to be found. he searched around the house, continuously yelling your name. he heard a loud crash out in the back, and he ran to the noise. "Y/N??" he yelled as he burst through the door. he saw you holding your stomach which was covered in blood, and Signora across from you.

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