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you were puzzled by his sudden words and mischievous smirk. he turned to the streets and strolled away, fading into the background, as if he didn't scare you half to death.

you cleared your throat to try and regain your composure. you stumbled down the street to get to your house. how did he find out so quick?

you made it back to your house and tried your hardest to conjure up a way to get him off your tail. he seemed like one of the smarter ones, as opposed to Childe.

your eyelids fluttered shut as you fell helplessly to your empty bed. unconsciousness enveloped you as you fell asleep.


the bright sunlight shone through your eyelids, forcing you awake. as soon as your brain awoke, an idea hit you.

the plan was to simply delay your plans and not do anything suspicious for the time being. if he watches you, he won't find anything suspicious because the plan will be on hold. perfect.

you cheerily strolled down the street back to the headquarters, knowing your plan would work. it'll only be a couple weeks, and you're sure he would get impatient by then.

when you walk into the building though, Dottore and a few of your superiors were waiting for you. fuck.

"y/n, there will be new leadership over you." said one of your higher-ups. you stood there, wide-eyed and dumbfounded, yet glad you weren't fired on the spot.

Dottore stood there proud and smiling, as if he just won 1st place in a contest. you could see half his mouth was smiling idiotically. you moved your stare between him and your superior.

"who, may i ask is leading me from now on?" you asked politely, despite your growing anger. better not be him.

Dottore perked up and stuck his hand out to you. "me, darling!" he invited you to shake his hand, and you did. you were sure if you pissed him off even more, you'd be one of his test subjects. wait- maybe that's why you're switching supervision...

you nodded a hello to him, and he did the same. "don't be so shy, i'm your new supervisor after all!" you almost keeled over from nervousness. his eye twitched from trying to hide his anger, but failing miserably.

he leaned his head to the side to signal to you to follow him. He led you out of the building and you followed close behind. he took large strides, clearly pissed.

"what makes you think you can get away with plotting against the Fatui, hmm?" he said with a stern hint in his voice, not even sparing a glance in your direction. "i'm not." you responded in the same manner as him, determined to keep your spying a secret.

"i could beat your ass you know, i'm not as weak as i look." you threatened. his face turned to you, engulfed in confusion and rage. you didn't falter under his stare, you learned to keep your composure in situations like this. you knew there was not a chance you could beat him in a duel, but you had to seem strong to him.

"don't disrespect me girl." he stated in a severely grim tone. it almost made you scared, but he would be in trouble if he fought you.

"on second thought, we aren't going debt collecting today." he decided, gripping your arm tightly as he turned in a different direction. "let me go dickhead!" you yelled in his ear which didn't affect him at all.

he only started walking faster. it was like he was in a daze and nothing could snap him out of it. you attempted to rip your arm out of his hold, but it was unsuccessful.

he brought me to a large building, yet it wasn't fancy or anything. it was more like a run-down shop after years of abandonment. it had rust running down from each window, and there was debris circling the building.

he was walking straight into this ruin-like building, and you had to stop it. you thrashed around, trying your hardest to not be brought into there. that place was surely the setting of your demise.

Dottore turned to you, puzzled why you were so scared. he rolled his eyes and tried to heave you in, but he tumbled to the ground. your attempt to escape his grasp made him lose his balance and fall to the ground. this made his hand slip from your wrist.

you tried to sprint away, but a wall of water prevented you from leaving. you flew backwards. you opened your eyes as you felt there was no hard contact on your head, and there he was. he was staring right into your face with a numb expression.

you tried to get up as fast as you could, but he had your hair in his hand. your head whipped back at the sudden pain on your scalp. you flipped over onto him and bit his hand so he would let go. it was weird, but definitely worked perfectly.

his hand flew back and you took the opportunity to tumble forward. once again, you ran to the nearest exit, regularly dodging the walls of hydro.

you got too cocky though, and ran right into the last one while looking back at him. he was crouched on the ground with his hand out, creating each pillar. you could see a faint smile when you got knocked back by the pillar.

you were breathing heavy and your eyelids were ready to fall and leave your sight in darkness. you flinched when Dottores head popped up just inches before yours. he was smirking from what you could see from half his mouth.

"caught you." he said when your vision went black. you felt your body lift from the ground while unconscious.


your vision was still blurry when you woke up, but the room was dark. not completely because there was a faint light just beyond your line of sight. the roof looked like an old warehouse but before you could get up to get a better look at your surroundings, you heard a familiar voice.

"good morning buttercup! did you sleep well?"

this was sort of a short chapter but i hope you like it!!! the next few will be longer i swear :)

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