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WARNING: needles, blood, fighting

"good morning buttercup! did you sleep well?"

those words replayed and stung your brain like a broken record player. you were tied down to a table in the middle of this lab.

"i thought you wouldn't wake up! you fought pretty well, but it was quite stupid of you to attempt to escape a harbinger." he said with his back turned, leaned over a counter.

you tried to sit up but your arms were binded to the table. you started swearing under your breath when your sight fogged up due to tears.

"fuck fuck fuck fu-" you twisted in the hold when he rushed over and pinned you down, his hair falling in front of his mask. you weren't quite sure if the butterflies were from the adrenaline or the position you two were in.

he looked genuinely concerned for you... what the fuck?

his hands held your shoulders down, trying to calm you down. "why are you so irritated??" he asked. how does he not know that tying you up in a dark lab and trying to experiment on you would scare you?

"well you tied to me this table you psycho!" you yelled at him. he was taken aback by your words, but you had to get out of there. you didn't care that he was a harbinger, you were going to fight him.

you brought your elbow up to his face and he staggered back, holding the spot where you hit it. he took away his hand and turned to a mirror in disbelief.

"no.." he swung his head back to you and you saw the spot where you hit had a large crack in his mask. he speed-walked angrily over to you but you managed to free a hand before he got to you. you punched him in the throat and struggled to undo your other arm. your legs were still stuck though.

instead of coming at you again, he went to his table and snatched a syringe with an unknown substance inside. you swung your arm at his head when he got close enough, and that made him drop the needle.

you used this short space of time to undo your legs, now fully able. you swung yourself across the table to his desk area, to try and find a weapon. you successfully collected a spear which seemed to be collected from one of his test subjects.

you weren't experienced with the art of the polearm, but you practiced for a short amount of time with it. you could definitely defend yourself with it until you find a more fitting weapon, like a catalyst or sword.

you swung the pole in front of you to protect yourself from him. this was a game of life and death and you needed to win. both you and your brother can't die from the Fatui.

Dottore began shooting small, steel needles at you, but you blocked them with your polearm. you never expected to be in a fight with a harbinger, yet here you are.

you knew he wouldn't back down from you working under him, so you tried your hardest not to appear weak. you wanted to use your best strength for Signora, but this just happened to take place sooner.

you glanced around for a sword, and you found one. the sword was mostly white except for some blue accents. the handle and the edge of the cross-guards were a darkish blue. the cutaway had a few glowing blue gems. you could recognize this sword as the 'Sacrificial Sword'.

you threw the polearm to the side and wielded the sword in front of you. you smiled knowing you had the upper hand, now that you had a weapon you were actually experienced in.

dottore flung those same needles at you, and you dodged with ease, stepping towards him with a smirk on your face.

it seemed he was skilled in sword fighting too, because he grabbed a different sword from a wall you didn't even think to check. you swung your sword in his direction, but he stopped your attack with his sword with ease.

the both of you launched your swords at each other at the same pace. he stabbed straight to your face and you managed to mostly dodge it, but he left a deep scar on your cheek.

you leaned forward and stabbed your sword into his thigh, making him limp slightly. blood was slowly seeping through the clothes covering each cut you both placed on each other's bodies.

when you turned to dodge an attack, you tripped on the polearm you dropped and you fell over the counter.

he moved over you and placed his hands on the counter around you. his face held an evil smile, one where you couldn't help but adore.

the cold steel of his sword flashed on your neck, and before you knew it, he only needed a swipe to end your life.

"you wouldn't, i'm your assistant." you tried to convince yourself he wouldn't, but he was a psychopath.

"wouldn't i?" he threatened, pushing the blade into your neck deeper, letting your blood spill on the shiny steel.

you slowly moved your sword behind him so he wouldn't detect it, and swiped the sharp metal on his back. he hissed and flew back, letting you escape
from your position against the counter.

he had achieved many cuts on you, and you were slowly bleeding out. he abruptly infused his sword with hydro and managed to get a hit on your shoulder.

the stinging and coldness of blood dripping on your skin didn't stop you from fighting the same. you did the same act to him, except on the hip. your hit was a bit deeper.

"fuck.. you're going to regret that sweetheart," he seethed, holding his hand on his wound. blood seeped through his clothing and stained his vest red. the crimson liquid began flowing between his fingers and dripping on the already wet floor. "am i?" you stabbed into his shoulder and pushed him to a wall. he let out a groan when his body slammed into the wall. you gripped his wrist and stuck it to the wall so he was unable to fight you back. then, you forced your sword deeper into his wound.

you saw the look in his eyes. it was weird to think that a horrible human like him could be in such pain. he breathed in sharply through his teeth and his eyes began to twitch.

the sound of both of your heavy breathing was deafening in the sudden silence. you decided to let him go and flee. you brought your sword out of his shoulder and ran to the nearest exit.

your eyes shut in the sudden brightness of the morning sun. you fell to your knees once you reached the exit. broken glass shards pierced your skin, but you didn't care. you beat a Fatui harbinger in a duel, with a weapon that didn't quite compliment your abilities.

the cold of the snezhnayan air stung your wounds even worse than normal. this was simply another batch of wounds on your already injured body.

you smiled through your heavy breathing and you limped out of the property. you could see many people on the streets staring at your wounds bleeding out. the same words echoed in your head.

"i beat a Fatui harbinger in a duel..."

you awoke not on the frozen sidewalk, instead, in an exquisite-looking room.

"so i heard you fought one of my harbingers y/n.."

i tried my hardest on a fight scene, i'm not used to writing them :)

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