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you had left your sword in your bag, and there was no time to grab it. you had to use what was outside, and there wasn't a lot.

they surrounded you and you were helpless on the ground. you looked to the side and you saw a medium sized rock- perfect for knocking one of them out.

you reached for it in a swift motion but one of them was too fast and stepped on your arm. you let out a pained groan.

"not so fast, sweetheart." the one above you said smugly. "you're gonna regret calling me that." you said as you kicked his shin. he fell to the ground in pain. the others gasped and got tense.

you took this opportunity to grab the rock and get up. this was one of the moments where you wished you had a vision. when fighting normally, you could easily overpower anyone. but when you don't have a weapon, you were severely disadvantaged.

you swung the rock at the closest mans face. he couldn't dodge in time, so he was immediately knocked out.

some of them ran away, but the others stayed. you took the time of hesitation to look for a better weapon. you couldn't find anything, so you stuck with the rock.

Dottore was still sleeping peacefully, and the hoarders noticed. one of them stepped towards the carriage so you swung the rock at him.

it hit him on the side of the head and he fell to the ground. "don't you fucking touch him." you yelled at the rest, adrenaline coursing through your veins.

they took that as a challenge and ran towards the carriage. you threw the rock at the closest man with all of your strength. it hit his throat and he coughed before falling.

'great move, y/n.' you thought to yourself after realizing you had no weapon anymore. you swung your leg at the next man to come running, and you kicked him right in the stomach.

he flew back and hit the ground with a grunt. then, you jerked your elbow back when a man came at you from behind. your elbow hit him square in the face. without a weapon or vision, you were still beating these dudes' asses.

there was only one man left, and he was a bigger man with a shovel. he dug his shovel into the ground and brought up a mound of dirt. he brought his shovel upwards and the mud went flying at you. luckily, you had a fast reaction and rolled out of the way.

he cursed under his breath and swung to put his shovel in the ground again, but a hand prevented his arm from moving any further. you pulled his arm tightly backwards, making his body fly behind you and hit the ground with a loud smack.

he groaned and held his hand on his bleeding head. you kneeled over him and smiled. "didn't i say not to try and touch him?" you teased. he tried to lift his hand to punch you, but you caught it without a flinch.

"for a woman, you're pretty good." he chuckled while coughing. your smile dropped. "for a woman, how hard do you think i could bash your skull in, sweetheart?" you harshly threatened.

his eyes widened and you got off of your knee. you lifted your leg over the man's head. "any last words?" you said. without giving a chance for him to talk, your arm was twisted from behind and you fell on the ground.

"don't do it, y/n." a familiar voice warned. you turned to see the man who stopped you from murdering the treasure hoarder. it was none other than Dottore.

"i thought you were a ruthless killer?" you questioned with a disgusted expression. "i am, but you aren't." he said, frowning. you rolled your eyes and he let go of your aching arm.

"seems you beat them pretty good. you didn't have a weapon, correct?" he analysed the scene. you nodded. "only a rock." you wiped the dirt from your knees.

he turned around and his expression showed worry for you. "are you okay? did you break anything? any bruises?" he said while holding your shoulders and checking your body.

you nodded. "i'm fine." without warning, he pulled you in and hugged you tightly. "why didn't you wake me up?" his voice was slightly breaking, but he maintained his composure. "you needed sleep. anyway, i defended you fine." you responded.

"if anything happened to you, i'd never forgive myself." the sweet moment was cut short when you saw something behind Dottore. without telling him, you pushed him to the side and he landed in the grass.

as you pushed him, you took his catalyst and delusion off also. a huge robotic monster came charging at you. you shot a wall of water below it and it fell to the ground.

that attack barely did anything because it just got right back up. "y/n! for fucks sake, let me do it!" Dottore yelled out in a shaky voice. you took a quick glance at him but brought your focus back on the ruin guard.

since you didn't think needles would do much against the ruin guards, you only used the hydro aspect of the catalyst. you shot another beam of water at the robot.

it made a slight noise of pain but continued coming at you. "y/n! i made that thing, get away! let me take care of it!" Dottore pleaded. "i'm not worthy of avenging him if i can't beat a single ruin guard.." you mumbled.

you knew how to control a catalyst from your own weapon, but this one was much different. with your catalyst, you had to have special blades which the book could control. that way, you could still use a catalyst without a vision. you didn't have the blades on hand, that's why you needed to take Dottore's delusion too.

Dottore got up and tried to intervene, but you pushed him back. "if i can't defeat a ruin guard by myself, then why should i be in the Fatui?" you said to Dottore. this made him stay to the side, yet ready to intervene if it got out of hand.

you mustered up all of your strength and brought it out in a spike of water. it pierced the robot and brought it high up. you forced the water to retract back into the ground and the ruin guard fell down.

all of the pieces of it shattered and flew in all directions. one of the plates of metal came towards you and you moved your arms in the way of your face. surprisingly, no impact was made.

you moved your arms away and Dottore was holding the piece of metal inches before your skin. he grinned and hugged you tightly.

"i'm proud of you, y/n." he said. your knees buckled from using all of your strength. he caught you and carried you bridal style back to the carriage.

"i guess i'll have to drive since they all died." he complained with a sigh. he went to the front of the carriage and started up the horses.

"y/n, i think the Tsaritsa would be impressed that you fought a pack of treasure hoarders with a single rock, and a ruin guard with a catalyst without a vision!" you heard from the front.

"i guess so." you said. all you wanted in the moment was to look out of the window and watch the passing scenery. just then, you processed his request.

"you want me to see the Tsaritsa??"

"no, she wants to see you."

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now