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your vision was still blurry but from what you could see, there was a tall woman sitting in an elegant chair next to you.

last time you woke up somewhere you didn't know, you were tied to a table. you stared at your arms and legs to make sure that didn't happen again.

you weren't tied, but your body was in much worse condition than you had thought. your legs were enveloped in bruises and cuts, but mostly covered in bandages. you were worried to see what was under them.

when you peeked at each wound, the stinging pain returned. your body ached but you had to stay strong.

your arms had just as many cuts and bruises as your legs. once you looked at your shoulder, your eyes widened. dry blood stained the area around, but the actual wound was covered in a white bandage stained bright red.

"i can't have you dying on the first day behind Il Dottore, so i fixed you up" a soft voice spoke up. you shifted your head to the source of the sound, and it was her. the one and only Tsaritsa.

you stuttered over your words to try and thank, apologize, and question her at the same time. she was the leader of the organization that you hated, but she was still an archon.

"don't worry, i don't need a thanks from you," she started, diverting her gaze. her godly glow just made you admire her. "i do, however, would like a small favour in return for my hospitality."

"your highness, may i ask what this 'favour' is?" you replied in the most respectful manner you could conceive of.

she laughed at your sudden formality, and decided to elaborate. "i want you to stay under Il Dottore's command for the time being." what she said was a lot to ask, given that you just almost killed him.

"i don't mean to invalidate your authority, but are you sure? i'm not positive he would like to be in control of me after our.. scuffle.." you cautiously said each word, making sure you wouldn't offend her.

she giggled and assured you that her choice was for the better. "he was the one to ask, actually," she admitted. your eyes widened in disgust and you almost yelled at her, but you had no choice but to obey the Tsaritsa.

you had to stay in bed for a couple days before getting back on your feet. it was horrible to have to sit there all day without doing anything physical.

knock, knock!

you heard the firm hits on the door while still waking up from your nap. your raspy voice invited them in, and it was none other than Dottore.

"sorry about that, you seemed strong so i thought of i experimented on you, i could make you even stronger.." he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

your displeased expression led him to think you were still mad. why wouldn't you be? he almost killed you. "i guess you were right," he chuckled. you turned your head to the side in confusion.

"you know, how you said you could beat my ass.." he diverted his gaze to try and avoid the awkward stare you stuck on him. you finally remembered the conversation, and you giggled to yourself. he noticed you were no longer in a bad mood.

"i guess i did, but you got me pretty badly too," you said, lifting your sleeve to reveal your wound on your shoulder. his eyes winced at the scene, and he looked genuinely sad for you.

why was he so surprised at your wounds that he caused?

you smiled at him softly to attempt to relieve the awkwardness in the air. "well i should get goin-" "why do you want me to keep working under you?" you cut him off as he moved to leave. he stopped in his tracks at the answer, and his eyes went dark. he'd rather not think of you as a traitor, but that's exactly what you were.

"i'm not forgetting that you're plotting against us, darling." he turned his head slightly, only enough to see his one eye before leaving.

he left you in that room, all alone, to contemplate life. the revenge you worked so hard to get may fall apart soon, was it worth it to keep going?

before your brother even joined the Fatui was the best time of your life. he would bring you places and talk to you as a friend instead of just siblings. you missed those moments.


"Andrei! come find me~!" you yelled from behind the pile of rocks. you wore your less puffier coat that day so it would be easier to hide, but you were freezing.

you expected to hear the usual "ready or not, here i come!" but there was just silence, and shuffling around. you had a feeling that you had to get up. you stood up from behind the rocks to see the men your brother were so acquainted with taking him away.

"ANDREI!" you yelled and tried to run and save him, but you tripped over a hidden piece of ice under the snow. tears were streaming down your face, watching your brother get taken into a carriage against his will.

his screams were muffled by the cloth placed over his mouth. the men had emotionless expressions while hitting Andrei over the head to knock him out.

a lady with a long coat and platinum blonde hair was leading them. she had a black mask over one eye, and it kind of appeared like a butterfly. La Signora. that was the name of the woman who killed your brother.

he was their superior, why were they doing this to him? your arms and legs buckled and you fell into the snow.

those men were going to kill your brother. you tried your hardest to get up from the snow. the icy feeling covered your clothes and skin. you had to save him. you were only 16 at the time, but you were still strong.

the carriage slid away, just out of your grasp. the muscles in your legs finally gave out, giving the rest of your strength into the pain seeping out of your eyes.


thinking about the incident again made tears flow out of your eyes. you hugged your knees in your bed in hopes of some type of comforting. you miss your brother.

"i'm sorry for leaving things like this, we should start ov- are you crying?" Dottore reentered the room and caught you with your guard down.

you tried to hide your face in the blankets but he never left. you felt a weight fall on the other side of the bed and that made you look up.

your eyes were red from crying, and you were majorly embarrassed. Dottore looked at you with solemn eyes and tried to put his hand on your shoulder.

you swatted away his arm, clearly uncomfortable with him touching you. "i'm sorry if i hurt you that bad.." he looked down into his lap.

you've heard around members that Dottore wasn't one to feel bad about hurting someone, or killing someone.

you sniffled and wiped your eyes, attempting to regain your composure. "you weren't the one who hurt me. i'm not crying because of some small fight." you said in the strongest voice you could muster.

he looked at you, intrigued by what actually hurt you. you weren't telling him though. "Signora." was all you said before dropping your head back into your knees.

the name triggered your tears again, but you felt his body hug yours. his arms wrapped your back, and he brought you into his chest.

"why- what are you... are you trying to kill me again?" you questioned. the truth is, you've never hugged anyone before. you didn't know what his intentions were, more so after what happened the day before.

"i'm hugging you, you need it." he responded. you finally hugged him back. it was awkward yet soothing.

your crying stopped and you fell to sleep in his arms. you hadn't got much sleep since you were still worried about your current situation with Dottore.

now that you knew you two were fine, you could rest easy.


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