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you stood by your vanity, staring into your reflection. "what the fuck are you doing y/n.." you muttered to yourself. now you were acquainted with two of the harbingers. you were worried that if you meet Signora, you'd be friends with her too. she must be the one exception. you surely cannot change your mind about her.

you got ready and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. as usual, Dottore was standing in the kitchen, making whatever food he desired at the moment. "hey, good morning." you said groggily. "wow, darling, i don't think you've ever said good morning first to me!"

"yeah, i guess so." you considered it. you were thinking about the meeting with the Tsaritsa later that day. you had to go visit the Tsaritsa, which in itself is nerve wracking, but especially when you don't know why it made it so much worse.

why is it that after fighting some simple treasure hoarders and a ruin guard would she want to see you? that was something that any old fatui member could do. why was this special?

"what do you think the Tsaritsa wants to talk to me about?" you asked Dottore. "hmm, well, you did fight pretty well with only a rock in hand. i think that's a pretty good reason for calling you in," he explained. "as for what she's going to do to you, i have no idea."

a pit formed in your stomach. "i'm so fucking nervous, Dottore." you said while your voice was breaking up. you were facing the wall by the counter, so Dottore couldn't see your face. you fidgeted with your hands while they were placed on the counter.

"y/n," Dottore said softly. "you'll be okay, i promise." his voice was soft and sincere. you turned around and he was standing really close to you. your eyes shined from the water building up. he wrapped his arms around you and held you close.

this only made you cry more. you couldn't help but hug Dottore back. he moved his head right on top of yours. "let it out darling." he whispered. "Dottore," you muttered. "hm?" he hummed. "thank you for being here for me, i've been an asshole to you this whole time."

you sobbed into his chest while he rubbed circles on your back. "thanks to you too. i haven't been treating you the best either." he said. you held him tighter. "what are you so nervous about for the meeting?" he asked. "it sounds dumb, but i'm worried she's going to execute me or something."

he let out a laugh. "darling, there's no reason for her to execute you, don't worry." he reassured you. "now, why don't you get ready for the meeting?" he said while gazing into your eyes. you nodded and wiped your eyes.

"sorry.." you muttered while walking away. you went to your room and cleaned off your face. you had to redo your makeup since your tears washed them off. you took a few deep breaths and stared at yourself in the mirror yet again.

"the boat has docked darling!" you heard a muffled yell from the kitchen. "coming!" you responded. you carried your bags and walked out of the room. Dottore was waiting there with a butler by his side, carrying his bags.

"will there ever be a day where you'll let someone else carry your stuff for you?" he joked. "i prefer to be independent." you responded. as soon as the door opened, the cold Snezhnayan air hit you.

"when is the meeting?" you asked. "later today." Dottore said calmly. your eyes widened. "today??? we need to go!" you raised your voice and speed walked down the bridge.

you were prevented from walking any more by a hand holding your wrist. "darling, there's no need to rush!" he smiled. "Dottore, i'd hate to be late to a meeting with the-" he put both of his hands on your face.

he moved his head so his forehead was touching yours. you stopped speaking from sheer shock. "go on?" he smirked. you felt your face heating up. "fuck off Dottore." you said, unimpressed with his methods of making you quiet. "well that shut you up quickly!" he said after letting go of your face and continuing the walk.

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now