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"you tried to leave." he confirmed in a flat tone. you turned away to avoid his gaze, but he grabbed your cheek and brought it back.

"don't ignore me." he stated firmly. you had no choice but to obey, you couldn't fight because of your leg.

the butler opened the front doors to let Dottore in. he held you tightly which made your leg hurt even more. "just a little longer, then it'll all be good." Dottore whispered, seemingly to himself.

he dropped you gently on a chair in his office. he jogged over to a row of cupboards on the wall, and started ravaging through them.

"where is it..." he said as he pulled many things out and threw them on the floor after inspecting them. "ah ha~!" he exclaimed, heaving a large box out.

you gripped the chair tightly as a way of letting out the pain. the pressure of your grip caused the corner of the chair to break.

"fuck, sorry." you said, observing the chunk of the chair in your hand. the seat had fallen a bit on the corner that you broke.

the bone was still jutting out of your ripped skin. your eyes were fixed on the injury. you'd gone through many physical injuries, but this one seemed bad. you cringed looking at it but you couldn't look away.

Dottore noticed you staring in fear and tried to distract you. "so, how'd you plan to survive a fall from the second floor?" he questioned while setting up the equipment. you were too absorbed by the gory scene that occupied your sight to listen, so you stayed silent. "darling?" Dottore softly asked.

once again, you didn't answer. he put down the stuff he was holding and he kneeled in front of you. your focus on the wound didn't falter. his hand reached to your chin and pulled it so you were forced to look at him.

"you really love doing that, huh.." you muttered in annoyance. "darling, why did you jump out of the window?" he ignored your words and repeated his question.

"as i said before, you're insane." you retorted. he rolled his eyes and you forced your head out of his grasp. he turned back to his box of tools and continued organizing them.

the pain was really getting to you at that point so you were whimpering in pain and squeezed your eyes shut. his masked face turned back at you with some tools in hand.

"can't you just get a healer?" you blurted out. "darling, a healer can't heal this in the state it's in right now, you'd die of blood loss before a healer even got here anyway!" he responded cheerily. you were feeling uneasy from his cheerfulness.

"this may hurt a bit," Dottore said mere seconds from pushing the bone back into your leg. "OW FUCKING SHIT-" you went on a long rant of yelling swears. when you finally calmed, you saw Dottore staring up at you with a slight smile.

"what the fuck are you looking at?" you snapped at him. he giggled from your seriousness, and carried on fixing your wound. it surely hurt like a bitch, but you had to hide it the best you could. you mostly failed.

you flinched at every touch. instead of breaking the chair once again, you simply held your hand in a tight fist to control the pain. suddenly, Dottore held out his hand to you, as if asking for you to give something to him.

he held his hand like that for a little while. you were wondering if he was asking for a tool or something. his head lifted from your leg to your face, and his vivid red eyes glimmered.

"are you going to take it, darling?" he asked obliviously. "w-what?" you stuttered from the stinging pain. "my hand, are you not going to take it?" he clarified. "why would i-" he got tired and grabbed your hand himself. you couldn't help but squeeze tightly on his hand.

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now