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you walked closely with Dottore all the way home. Dottore clung to your arm and put his head on your shoulder. "you are really touchy aren't you.." you joked. he simply hugged your arm tighter.

you got to the house and pushed open the door. Dottore let go of you and began walking to his lab. "where do you think you're going?" you said while crossing your arms. "i need to catch up on work." he said quietly.

he turned to look at you and his eyes looked dead and emotionless. "Dottore, no. you've been stressed, take a break." you stated. "darling, you don't understand. i need to work." he said without any emotion in his voice.

"fine! i'll join you then." you said, crossing your arms. he was silent for a while. "what would you like to do instead?" he asked. you knew he'd give up since he never let you in his lab before. he didn't want you to see the horrors of his job.

"i'm not sure, you just can't be working while stressed." you countered. "darling, just let me work." he said with a sigh. "no." you said. "wait on the couch for thirty minutes then i'll show you what to do!" you said as you got an idea.

Dottore stood silently, crossing his arms. "don't come out of the room, okay?" you said as you pushed him into the living room.

you stepped up the stairs rapidly to a room and swiped a blanket off of the bed inside. you ran to the kitchen and gathered some food next. your hands were full so you pushed the back door open with your shoulder.

you laid the blanket down on the grass next to the river behind his house. it was all ready, except for Dottore being there.

"it's been thirty minutes, i'm going to work." Dottore thought to himself after checking the time. as soon as he opened the door, you were just about to open the door.

"where do you think you're going?" you asked with a smile. without letting him talk, you took his arm and brought him outside.

he saw the blanket and basket of food on the ground and was left speechless. "darling, what is this?" he asked. "a picnic, duh!" you said enthusiastically.

you thought it would take a lot longer to get him to smile again, but a huge grin occupied his face. you took his hand again and brought him onto the blanket.

"thank you so much." he said. the sun was starting to set but you both stayed outside. the water of the river sparkled from the sunlight.

you and Dottore were talking the whole day, it was very peaceful. he held your hand most of the time.

the sun was almost gone and Dottore's head was in your lap, with you combing your fingers through his hair. you heard soft snores then realized he had fallen asleep.

"dear, wake up. i can't carry you home." you said while moving his head slightly. he hummed and moved his head more into your lap. "come on! i'm cold and i want to go to bed, i'm sure you do too." you tried convincing him.

"ughh, fine." he groaned. he sat up and stared at you with groggy eyes. "go in the house, i'll bring everything in." you said. "are you sure?" he asked while standing above you cleaning everything up. "mhm!" you hummed.

he walked back hesitantly while you cleaned. when it was all packed, you brought it all back into the house.

the house was dark so you didn't notice Dottore waiting in the hallway. "just leave it on the counter, we'll put it away tomorrow." he said. you jumped a little at the sound of his voice.

you left all of the stuff on the counter as he asked. you and Dottore walked up the stairs together. your room was next to his, and when you were opening the door to go inside, Dottore talked.

"can you uhm.. stay with me?" Dottore asked nervously. "sure!" you accepted. Dottore averted his gaze to the ground and walked into his room. you followed him in.

Dottore laid on one side of the bed and you got in the other. he laid his head on your chest and you put your shoulder around him.

you combed your fingers through his hair. "i swear the tables have really turned, you used to do this to me." you chuckled. "yeah. uhm, darling?" he hesitated. "yes, dear?" you giggled.

"if i do something, can you not get angry at me?" he mumbled. "like what-" your sentence was cut short when Dottore's lips touched yours. your heartbeat instantly quickened and your eyes widened.

"Dottore!" you said when you pulled away. "sorry uhm.." he apologized. you stared at him in shock for what seemed like hours, but was simply a few seconds.

you put your hand on his cheek and pulled him in again, this time more passionate. you had to pull away to catch your breath, but you noticed Dottore smiling.

Dottore gazed into your eyes and grinned. "we really shouldn't have done that." you whispered with fear in your eyes. your face was flushed red. "yeah but," he started. "Dottore we shouldn't have done that!" you raised your voice a bit. "you enjoyed it, right?" he asked.

"well yeah but-" "then there's nothing wrong." he said. "you don't get it! you're my fucking boss we shouldn't have-" you said before he kissed your cheek.

"darling, you'll be fine. we'll be fine." he reassured you. you retracted your hand from around his shoulder and laid on your side facing him. your faces were really close.

he put his arm around you instead. "it'll all be okay..." he whispered. you put your head in his chest and went in and out of consciousness. "goodnight, Dottore." you muttered. "goodnight." he said before kissing your head.


you woke up in the clothes from yesterday. Dottore was already gone. a pain went through your stomach when you remembered kissing him. you began to feel lightheaded and dizzy.

you got up and went to your room to change. you brought your shirt over your head and as soon as you did, you heard the door open then immediately shut. "Dottore?" you asked but nobody was there.

you brushed it off and tried to put on your shirt, but a cold blade was put to your throat. "i won't kill you, i'm using you against him."

there you were, shirtless, being held hostage by an unknown person. "DOTTORE!" you yelled before they put a gag in your mouth. Dottore came running in at the sound of your yells.

"y/n what's- you. get off of her right fucking now." he threatened. "you killed my gang, now i'll kill your bitch." the person said menacingly.

"fucking try me."

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now