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"fucking try me."

Dottore threatened the man holding you hostage. tears fell from your eyes involuntarily. "let go of her safely, and i'll let you live." Dottore said firmly. "fuck no! you murdered my whole gang, i'm not letting you off that easily." he refused.

"what do you want then? money? how much?" Dottore raised his voice slightly. "i want to kill you." he said menacingly. "good luck with that." Dottore said with a chuckle.

"i'm fucking serious!" he said as he threw you on the ground. you hit the ground with a thud. the man suddenly threw multiple throwing knives at Dottore.

Dottore dodged them with ease. "try a bit harder if you want to kill a harbinger." Dottore laughed while dusting off his shirt. the man lunged at Dottore with a yell.

Dottore simply stepped to the side. "come on, fight me!" the man tried provoking Dottore. "there's no point in wasting my strength on a weakling like you." Dottore replied casually.

you had been sitting on the ground in shock. Dottore had seen you in your bra before, so you didn't care too much about covering yourself up. all of this just had to happen after you kissed him.

you were meaning to tell him that it was a one-time thing today, but then of course this person had to hold you hostage. couldn't have picked a better time..

"a weakling? i'll prove i'm worth-" the man was stopped from talking when Dottore's syringes pierced his throat. you sat on the ground staring at the man laying on the bloody carpet.

Dottore came running to you. "y/n! are you alright? i wouldn't let him hurt you." he panicked. he placed his hands on your cheeks. you nodded in response to his question.

he leaned in after a few seconds of hesitation. you put your hand on his lips and turned your head before he could reach you. "Dottore, i'm sorry. i can't do that anymore. it was a one-time thing." you said.

"there's really no pleasing you, is there." Dottore suddenly turned cold. "excuse me?" you were taken aback. "really! i kill people for you, and i'm violent and scary. if i'm soft with you, it's 'too much' or some bullshit like that." he explained.

"well i'm sorry that you got fucking rejected! i just can't be doing.. this with you." you retorted. you pushed him away and got up from the floor. you finally put on your shirt that you meant to put on before a blade was held to your throat.

"y/n, i try my hardest. you change your mind so often i have no idea what you want! do you want me to go away or do you want me to love you?" he raised his voice. "just deal with it! i don't love you and i never will!" you yelled but immediately regretted it after seeing his hurt expression.

Dottore was silent after hearing that. you pointed to the door to signal that you wanted him to leave. why couldn't you just let him go? you'd try to distance yourself, but immediately fall back into his charm.

"fuck.." Dottore mumbled to himself when walking in the hallway. when he got down the stairs, he saw the door to his lab. he decided to experiment to ease his mind.

he got in the room and all he could feel was the anger and guilt from messing up with you. he kicked a table from the anger. "i fucked it up, i fucked it all up. why should i care about her, what's so special about her? i can't be feeling.. anything. i shouldn't have emotion, it's not me." he mumbled with his head in his hands.

he raised his arm and threw it to the desk, denting the metal severely. it was only until he could feel the cold water under his mask that he realized that he was crying.

he lifted the mask off of his face. seeing his reflection in the dented metal table, he felt ashamed. "you're a fucking monster." he whispered to himself. he wiped the water from his cheek and turned from his reflection.

the emotions he was just feeling quickly washed away, then he felt numb. he had a plan for what to do with you, even though he hated it.

you heard a bang from his lab, but you stopped yourself from going in since he didn't want you in there. you felt really bad for yelling at Dottore like that.

you stepped down the stairs after thinking of what to do. you made it to the door of Dottore's lab. "Dottore? i'm sorry i treated you like that, but you need to calm down." you apologized through the door.

you waited a couple seconds but didn't hear anything. "Dottore?" you asked. the door opened for you to see Dottore standing there. his mask was in his hand and his cheeks were wet.

"i'm so sorry-" "move." Dottore said while pushing you out of the way. "where are you going? you can't just run while we're in the middle of something." you asked. "doesn't matter." he responded without looking back at you. he lied, it did matter to you, you just didn't know it.

"fine. as soon as you get back we're continuing this discussion." you accepted the fact he was leaving. Dottore put his mask on his face before opening the front door.

you were worried if that kiss ruined things forever with you both. you liked him, just not in that way. or maybe in that way, but you knew it was wrong to love him like that.

you subconsciously took your own hand in the other at the thought of his touch. it had barely been any time since he last said it, but you missed his dumb pet names. his weird touch-starved actions, his names for you, and the relationship you had. it was definitely all gone.

"fuck.." you muttered to yourself. all you could do was wait for him to come home. in the meantime, you decided to pick some sweet flowers from the field.

Dottore walked down the street to the Tsaritsa's palace. he knew he had to do this, but he wasn't ready. he didn't want to leave you.

when he got to the large doors, he took a deep breath. he pushed open the doors and bowed down on one knee.

"Dottore? what a surprise to see you here! why is it that you have come to see me?" the Tsaritsa asked. "well, with y/n-" "oh yes! how's the training going?" she interrupted.

"i request she is put under someone else's supervision." Dottore said hesitantly. "oh? who do you think she should be placed under?"

"i was thinking La Signora."

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