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"i was thinking La Signora."

Dottore hesitantly said. "hm, if you think she'll be a better fit for y/n, then i don't mind." the Tsaritsa accepted after a moment of thought.

"thank you, your majesty." Dottore said as he got up off of his knee. as he was walking towards the door, the Tsaritsa spoke.

"Dottore, may i ask why you won't train y/n yourself?" she asked politely. "we just.. aren't a great fit." he said with pain in his voice. "hm, dismissed." she said.

Dottore walked through the door and took a deep breath. "what's done is done, i can't get her back now." he muttered to himself. he couldn't help but feel bad for this. he loves you, but he knows he can't fix your feelings towards him. you'll never love him, you said it yourself.

he stepped down the street and dreaded the moment he had to tell you the news. he knew you'd never forgive him.

he opened the door and you were nowhere to be seen. he panicked because of the events from the morning. did someone else come back for you?

"y/n!" Dottore called into the house. no response. he thought you could be outside. he swung open the back door that lead to the field and river.

he was reminded of the picnic you had made for him the day before. "y/n?!" he called. "Dottore?" he heard a faint voice from the field.

there you were, a basket full of sweet flowers in hand. "hey, where were you?" you asked when you got close enough to him. he hesitated but eventually talked.

"i'm sorry, i'm so sorry.." Dottore's voice was breaking while he brought you into a hug. "what? Dottore, what did you do?" you asked while hugging him back.

"you need to pack your stuff right now.." Dottore finally said. "what? where am i going to stay?" you asked, clearly confused. "you aren't working with me anymore, so you have to leave." he said in a pained voice.

"Dottore, where were you?" you asked suspiciously. you were in such shock that you dropped the basket of flowers on the grass. he didn't answer you, he simply stared down at the ground.

"is this about what i said earlier? look i didn't mean-" "you were right, y/n. we shouldn't be doing that. all that i've done is unforgivable, i don't expect you to ever love me."

your eyes began to water. his voice was breaking but he refused to cry. "Dottore i'm sure we can work this out.." you muttered. "see what you've done to me? i've never cried in my life and suddenly when you come in i feel all these things-" he tried holding back his tears but he just sobbed.

you brought your arms out and went in for a hug, but he pushed you away. "please, just stay away from me." Dottore said while walking back into the house.

you felt horrible for making him feel that way. "fuck i shouldn't have said that.." you muttered under your breath. why was it just now that you were realizing he was more than just a ruthless harbinger?

you left the basket of flowers on the ground and went inside. "Dottore?" you called into the house. you found him sitting in the office, wiping tears off of his face.

"can you at least tell me where i'm going?" you said. "you're working under Signora now." he confirmed. "WHAT??" you yelled at him. he jumped from the sudden noise. "what?" he asked, almost emotionless.

"not her, anyone but her, i'll even work under Tartaglia! NOT SIGNORA!" you panicked. "what the fuck is wrong with you? just go, you'll be fine." he suddenly got angry. "Dottore, why? why the fuck do you have to be so dramatic about an argument?" you yelled.

"fuck off and pack your shit." Dottore said, brushing you off. he was starting to believe his own lie that he didn't care about you. "Don't you tell me to fuck off." you retorted. Dottore ignored you, so you stormed off.

you did as he asked and packed up all of your stuff. Dottore had been sitting in his office with his head in his hands, worrying about his future. will he ever meet anyone like you again? you were perfect in his eyes, this was terribly hard for him to do.

your stuff was all packed and you were ready to leave. only now did you notice that you had no idea where to go. you had to ask Dottore to bring you there, fuck.

"Dottore, i don't know where to go." you said as you leaned on the doorframe of his office. "i'll bring you." he said briefly. you mumbled a small thanks and left. you stood outside of the house for a good while until Dottore came out.

you had no words to say to each other after everything that happened. Dottore's once vibrant red eyes seemed to dull and darken. he truly cared about you, but you just had to ruin it, didn't you?

"i'll miss you, darling." you said to break the silence. he simply hummed in response, but you barely heard it because it was so quiet. "Dottore, just talk to me." you said with a sigh.

"y/n, stop. i fucked up and you shouldn't worry about it, you can't fix it." he sighed heavily. you stayed silent in response. things are never getting fixed, are they..

he stopped in front of another luxurious house, just like his. "go on." he said. "goodbye, Dottore. i lov-" you stopped yourself from finishing that sentence with a cough.

you walked down the path to the door, afraid for what could happen. Signora had killed your brother, and the anger was about to spill out. you had to stop yourself from lashing out at Signora.

"i love you too." Dottore whispered, just quiet enough so nobody could hear. he'd never said those words before, it felt new. he was glad you couldn't hear it. you didn't even know that he heard the start of your confession.

you took a deep breath and knocked on the door. the one and only La Signora opened the door. "hello, darling!" she said with a smile. your heart sank at the sound of that name, it reminded you of Dottore. you had to use all the strength in your body not to beat her ass.

you bowed instead of introducing yourself, mostly because if you talked, you'd end up saying something out of pocket. "hm, a shy one, aren't we?" she smirked. she put her arm around your shoulder and brought you around the house.

your heart raced and all you wanted to do was punch her. "dear?" she stopped talking to look at you. "hm?" you hummed. "you're just staring at me quite.. whatever, would you like to see the field? i tend to train there when i'm feeling weak." her hand pointed to the back door. "sure."

she led you to a training field filled with many weapons. you separated from Signora to look at the weapons. there were swords, polearms, catalysts, and bows.

you picked up a sword, then turned and pointed it at Signora out of impulse. "would you like to duel?" you asked. "it would be my pleasure." she said as she summoned her catalyst. you knew she had a cryo delusion and also fire based powers, so she had a major advantage over you. also the fact she's a harbinger, but you won against Dottore before so it didn't worry you too much.

you took an unexpected approach for the first hit, and dropped the sword. you turned and grabbed a bow and a couple arrows as fast as you could and shot them at Signora. she was caught off guard and got hit in the leg. you then dropped the bow and picked up the sword from the ground.

"ooh! you're good. i see why Dottore likes you." she smirked. "liked." you corrected while charging at her with your sword. she summoned an ice wall in front of herself to stop your attack. "i'm sure it's likes, darling."

without any time to collect yourself, she sent a spike of ice into your stomach. "this was short lived, but thank you for the fight, darling." she said contently. "don't fucking call me that!" you yelled while throwing the ice out of your skin.

dw guys the story (probably) ends with a happy ending :D

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