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Dottore's eyes glowed with anger. you couldn't stop him because you were laying helpless on the ground. blood gushed out of your arm and the electro infused arrow still impaled you.

your vision went blurry from all the injuries you'd endured, but you could still see Dottore's faint outline attacking those people. "dottore.. don't.." you managed to whisper in hopes of stopping his killing spree.

blood droplets flew everywhere like rain. Dottore was scary, but his expression showed nothing but slight anger. the sound of his needle-like catalyst hitting each person was so gruesome. as you sat there in horror, petrified from his ruthless murder, he kept going.

he swung needles and never missed a single shot. the hydro-infused needles pierced the people's bodies with swift maneuvers that made them shriek in agony.

you were drenched in the blood of those people. Dottore was too, but he didn't care. those people hurt you, and he wouldn't let that go. he didn't quite understand why he was so angry over this. if it was any other coworker, he'd leave them and continue fighting like normal.

Dottore continued sending the small needles toward the enemies despite your cries for him to stop. he could barely hear you, he was too focused on destroying the men who hurt you like that.

"please! Dottore! i'm scared!" you yelled as a last resort. you'd never told him you were scared. his focus seemed to falter at your words and that caused an opportunity for the hoarder to attack.

instead of a normal attack, this person took out a delusion. he launched a wave of black fire at Dottore. you gasped and attempted to get up and help him, forgetting about the arrow in your shoulder.

"Dottore!" your voice cracked while crying. Dottore fell to the ground. you fell with him, checking his wounds. "get.. off." he said sharply. you were puzzled as to why he wanted to continue fighting.

"you just got- what?" you tried to reason with him but he just pushed you away himself. his face was red with rage and this was the most angry you'd ever seen him.

you hit the dirt roughly when he pushed you. he kept flinging the needles towards the others. you could only sit there and stare. he was so violent. this was not him. or was it, and the one you knew was fake?

you froze on the ground, staring at him with terror in your eyes. he never spared you a glance, he was too busy fighting the others. you were terrified that if you made a wrong move later on in the future, he'd do the same to you.

the groans of a fallen treasure hoarder scared you from your trance. a man was holding his wounded torso next to you. he lifted his head to you slowly before his body succumbed to death.

you watched as the life drained out of him, all because of the man you admired. this caused the hatred to flood in. you had finally begun to think of him as evil, vile, merciless, and utterly disgusting. the fact he ended these poor people's lives with a straight face didn't sit right. he was a harbinger, but you've seen the others, they aren't this fucking insane.

he finished off the last person and he turned to you. his attire was drenched in blood. he looked like an utter psychopath. your eyes were wide and your breathing was rapid. his eyebrows scrunched from wondering why you were scared.

you slowly crawled away from him. he took a cautious step towards you as if approaching a wild animal. your first reaction to his movement was to get up and run. even though the arrow was still wedged in your arm, you ran is if your life depended on it. for all you knew, it did.

the rapid crunching of gravel under your shoes and your heavy breathing was all you could hear. you had to get to the house quick. you needed to pack your shit and leave before he could get to you.

your breathing got heavier and heavier the farther you got. you ran until your legs gave out and you walked the rest of the way. as you got to the gates of the mansion, you realized you were too late.

the carriage was already parked in the driveway, and Dottore was leaning on it, looking around for you. "shit" you mumbled to yourself. Dottore caught his eye on you, and his expression was relieved but worried at the same time.

"y/n! why did you run?" he said while walking over to you. you didn't process it fast enough and stayed still for a bit too long. you started to run but his firm grip on your arm prevented you from moving any further.

your heartbeat once again quickened and your eyes expanded. he seemed to have no idea what he did wrong, which made it so much more scary. you opened your mouth to make an excuse but nothing came out.

"come in, we can talk about it inside." he said in a soft voice. you reluctantly followed. as opposed to the first time you entered the large door, this felt like a police escort. it felt as if he was bringing you to your imminent demise.

he thought that he didn't do anything. what bullshit that was. he practically dragged you to your room and sat you down on the bed. he sat next to you, finally releasing your arm.

the second he let you go you got up. you couldn't bear to sit down next to that monster. you had to grab some clothes to change into after your shower, since you were still soaked in blood.

"what did i do this time." he said with an exaggerated sigh. you refused to speak to him, worried he'd threaten you. he was obviously pissed that you weren't answering. you caught a glimpse of his face but never looked directly at him, and his face differed from the sweet one just minutes before.

he sighed and got up. you stood still at the dresser, waiting for him to leave, but he didn't. The next thing you know he has you pinned against the dresser with his hands holding yours.

you closed your eyes and braced for the impact of some kind of harsh hit. it never came, so you opened your eyes slightly. all you saw was Dottore's head, way too close to yours. his expression was something you couldn't quite describe, like disappointment, rage, love.

"you're under my command, act like it." he intimidated. you decided, fuck it, and started to provoke him.

"and if i don't?" you smirked. hatred burned in his eyes from your comment. "i'll tell the majesty herself about your... plan." he smirked back. your smile dropped from his statement. was that a threat?

"you- you wouldn't." you pressed. he wouldn't... right? the more you tried to convince yourself that he wouldn't, the more you thought about how unstable he was. your clothes were still drenched in blood from his killing.

his response was only a light smile and letting you go from his grasp. you picked up the clothes for your shower and speed-walked out of the room, leaving the room in silence.

i'm so sorry this took so long, i haven't been motivated at all to write lately. still, i hope you like this chapter!

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