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your knees buckled and you fell onto the carpeted flooring in your room. your soft sobs could definitely be heard through the hallway, but you didn't care.

you curled up on the floor and squeezed your eyes shut. your tears made the carpet wet beneath your face.

you eventually fell asleep laying there. it was quite uncomfortable since the carpet was wet. you heard the door open and close a couple times into your sleep, but it didn't disturb you.

you sat up and rubbed your eyes. a soft blanket fell off of you that you didn't remember having before you fell asleep. you came to the conclusion that Dottore was the one opening the door throughout the night.

the soft swaying of the boat made you realize you were almost home. "thank archons." you thought. you went through one of your bags to find a decent selection of clothing.

you dressed yourself and walked out. the bright morning sun stung your eyes. you thought it would be a good idea to take a stroll around the deck and get your mind off of things.

you knew at one point in your walk you would meet up with Dottore. you saw his soft blue hair waving in the wind. he didn't notice you there, and he looked at peace staring off into the ocean.

you worked up the courage to go up to him, but some other people went over to him first. their conversation was unintelligible from the distance you were. Dottore nodded, and they walked off. you were about to turn around and walk back but he noticed you.

"y/n! can you come here for a second?" he called. you took a deep breath and went over. "the boat will be taking a small detour to Fontaine." Dottore informed you.

you stayed silent, waiting for an explanation. "i know you're pissed at me right now, and all i can do is give you time, but we have to go to a dance together, for the sake of the mission." he sighed.

your jaw dropped slightly in disappointment. "of course." you scoffed. you placed your hand on your forehead and sighed. you turned away from him and to the railing.

you leaned on the side of the boat and admired the glistening water. "why are we going? why do we need to attend this dance together in Fontaine?" you mumbled.

"first of all, you can't leave my side. i don't need to keep reminding you why," he explained. "second, this mission is important and i need to do it. i can't just back out on this mission just because you're being stubborn."

you shot him a threatening stare at his comment. after a few seconds you turned back to the ocean. "fine. but don't expect any close dancing." you warned.

his arms wrapped your stomach and before you knew, he was hugging your back. you tensed but there was no way to get out of it. "thank you~!" Dottore squealed.

"what the fuck are you doing?" you snapped. "hugging you, clearly!" he responded. you shook your head and mumbled a couple curses, but you allowed him to continue hugging you.

after a minute or so he let go of you. "are you touch-starved or something? why did you stay like that for so long?" you criticized. he put on an exaggerated frown and rolled his eyes.

he signaled for you to follow him but you stayed, staring at the ocean. "would you like to go to breakfast, dear?" he asked. "how many goddamn times do i have to tell you not to call me-" your stomach grumbled. you had forgotten to eat dinner the night before so you were starving.

"fine." you agreed. he led you to a fancy restaurant in the middle of the boat. your eyes went from each expensive decor to the next. it was almost like when you first entered Dottore's home.

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now