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WARNING: blood, death

the cold air flew past your bloody wound which made it sting even more. the pain was almost unbearable but you had to go on. you couldn't let her win.

"oh? darling you're just going to tire yourself out, i don't recommend fighting a fight you're sure to lose-" she was cut off when you swung your sword at her face. you barely missed because she dodged.

you held one hand on your wound and the other on your sword. despite the cold, you were sweating. it seemed Dottore was going easy on you last time, you had absolutely no chance against Signora.

she forced another ice spike towards you, but you dodged it. she seemed to smile at your pain while you held your bloody wound. you still had determination to fight, so you gripped your sword tightly and charged at her.

she moved out of the way easily and formed a knife out of ice in her hand. while your back was turned, she stuck it into your back. you screamed in pain and tumbled to the ground.

she pushed her foot onto your head, pushing it further into the dirt. "any last words? "fuck you, bitch." you said as you kicked your foot up and hit her in the back. she lost her balance on your head and you got up.

"you really are feisty." her smile dropped. your body was in unimaginable pain from your wounds. what made you keep going was your brother. how disappointed would he be if you died from the same woman?

the ground was scuffed from the fight. the clouds turned dark as if they knew what was happening. Signora was pissed that you wanted to keep going, despite her major advantage. you slightly wished Dottore would come back and save you but the world doesn't work like that.

people don't stop what they're doing to save a damsel in distress, you have to save yourself. so that's exactly what you're doing. fighting back even though it would be easiest to give up is what will avenge your brother.

you forced your weak legs to stand and face Signora. you gripped your sword tightly and got ready to swing, but she encased herself in a block of ice. 'what the fuck?' you thought.

you attempted to stab through the ice with your sword, but it was futile. all you could do was wait for her to break through, but you were unaware of what would come out.

when the ice finally started to crack, you tensed and held your sword out in front of you. when the ice fully broke, shards went flying in all directions. a weird warmth came from the inside of the ice.

Signora emerged in a terrifying form. her dress and mask both got longer. fire burned all around her, this was much worse than you anticipated. "do you still think you have a chance?" her voice echoed. you don't even have a vision, how are you supposed to beat her?

you tried to think of a way to get out of this alive. if you ran, she'd catch up and kill you. if you stay and fight, you'd be dead in a second. there were no options left. you stayed in place, frozen in fear. no matter what you do, you'd die.

an idea popped into your head. you kneeled on one knee and bowed your head. "i surrender." you confessed. "hm? seems i didn't need to change.." she said, disappointed. she turned her back to you to grab a sword, just as you expected.

you jumped from your knee and stabbed her in the back. she let out a pained screech and turned to you. "you little bitch!" she yelled in anger. the fire around her grew brighter.

you didn't waste any time with chatter and swung at her again. she abruptly took out a whip engulfed in flames. your eyes widened at her weapon. she stared down at you with a smile. you brought your sword out in front of you and attempted to cut the whip, but it just went through.

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now