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you had fallen asleep for the rest of the carriage ride. Dottore drove the whole time, and was pretty focused. he probably didn't even know you were asleep until you made it to the port again.

he didn't want to wake you, so he carried you and all of the luggage into the boat. you were slightly awake though. it seemed as if your sleepy mind had wanted to sabotage you, so you subconsciously buried your head closer into Dottore's body.

he chuckled a bit, which vibrated his chest. this made you snap out of it and whip your head away. your face flushed red but you looked away from him to hide it.

"darl- sorry, y/n, why are you so flustered?" he asked. you scoffed but kept looking away. "put me down please." you ordered, ignoring his question.

he did as you asked and let you down. you walked beside him up the bridge to the boat. "please, can i call you darling again?" he pleaded. after a long pause, you agreed.

"fine. but don't make me change my mind or you won't even have the right to call me by my name." you sighed. "yes! thank you so much, darling!"

he grabbed your hand and held it tight as a show of thanks. you sighed but you didn't resist since it was simply how he was.

"what should we do for the boat ride?" you asked. "hmm.. i'm not sure. what would you like to do, darling?" he smiled after saying darling, very obviously happy he was allowed to say it again.

"you know, you didn't even go a week with that absurd rule. you missed it, didn't you darling?" he smirked.

"don't make me regret what i said." you warned. "now get your hand off of mine, creep." you said as you forced your hand out of his hold.

you had both gotten inside the boat, but there was a person standing by the door.

"Scara! what a surprise to see you here!" Dottore squealed and hugged the unimpressed kid tightly. "get off of me." he said just before shocking Dottore with an electro delusion.

"who's this hoe?" Scaramouche said jokingly. Dottore clearly didn't take it as a joke, though. "she's not a hoe. she's my uhm.. assistant." he retorted. you moved your elbow slightly to hit his arm.

your expression turned to disappointment , but not about Scaramouche. Dottore really shouldn't be so protective of you.

Dottore turned and his eyes met yours. without saying a word, he understood that you didn't want him to talk anymore.

"thought so. Dottore doesn't get bitches, i don't know what i was thinking. i apologize." he said nonchalantly.

"fuck you, Scara. you're the one who's stayed the same height all of your life!" Dottore snapped at him. "oh hell no, you don't bring my height into this!" they both looked at you and your uncomfortable expression.

they decided to stop arguing because you were there. silence filled the air and made the atmosphere so awkward. "so! Scaramouche, what brings you on this boat?" you said, attempting to relieve the silence.

"eh, just decided to. also, the Tsaritsa wanted me to be with you to... observe." he responded. you looked at Dottore and he seemed as confused as you were.

"i'll be around. find me if you feel the need." Scaramouche concluded. he walked off into one of the hallways.

"he seems.. nice." you said. "nice? are you kidding me? he called you a hoe!" Dottore protested your statement. "jeez, calm down Dottore. i've been called a hoe before, no need to overreact!"

"who." he asked. "what?" you were taken aback from his sudden anger. "who the fuck called you a hoe?" he explained.

"okay, Dottore, stop. it's just a word and we've fought so much already, i don't feel like fighting again." you calmly told him. "fine. i guess you're right."

Dottore put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in. without any time to react, he kissed your forehead.

you pushed him away. "sorry, darling." he said while walking away. "you're really pushing it, Colgate." you hoped he'd get the joke, and he did.

"the fuck did you call me?" he turned. he had a grin on his face. "darling, now you're the one who's pushing it." he warned.

you only smirked and walked past him. "whatever you say, Colgate." he was silent, trying to find a comeback. you followed where Scaramouche's room was.

you found his room and knocked on the door. "who is it?" a sharp voice came from inside. "it's y/n, can i come in?" you introduced. "oh, uhm.. sure." he accepted.

you pushed the door open to see the short man sitting on his bed. he held an electronic device in his hand, and he seemed absorbed in his game. "whatcha playing?" you said as you sat next to him.

"get out of my fucking way ugly ass motherfucker!" he suddenly yelled at his game. "not you, y/n. i'm talking to fucking wario. stupid bitch." the last part he mumbled under his breath.

"uhhm.. okay." you muttered. after watching his game in fascination, you started to talk. "hey, i'm sorry about how Dottore acted. he got too overprotective of me and said some.. out of pocket things."

"it's interesting, you know," he ignored your apology. "i've never seen him so offended over me being mean to someone else. i mean, i'm constantly bullying people, and he usually joins in." he explained.

"i think he likes you." he concluded. "well, yeah i'm his assistant, and we're pretty close." you brushed off the idea of him romantically liking you. "no, i mean he likes likes you. he cares about you. if anything happened to you.."

he shocked you with an intense bolt of electricity. you yelped loudly. "what the fuck Scaramouche-" "shut up and listen." he interrupted you. you heard rapid footsteps in the hallway that were coming closer and closer.

"Scaramouche i swear to the Tsaritsa if you hurt her-" Dottore threatened and popped up in the doorway. "see?" Scaramouche said with satisfaction. you were speechless.

"don't worry Dottore, it was nothing." you said as you got up from the bed. "goodbye Scaramouche, have fun on your game!"

Dottore took your arm impatiently and pulled you out of the room. "Dottore, Scaramouche said-" you started. "how much did he hurt you? if that little bitch hurt you i will fucking-" "just let me talk, Dottore!" you raised your voice.

"Scara said something about you liking me, is it true?" a pit formed in his stomach and he was speechless. he never really thought about it, but he did feel something different for you.

"well, yeah. you'd be gone by now if i didn't!" he explained. you opened your mouth to explain, but realized it wasn't worth it. "whatever, it doesn't matter." you turned your head away from him.

his gloved hand gently took your cheek and brought you to face him again. "darling, please know i care about you. it may seem like i don't by the way i show it, but i do."

you were surprised by this sudden confession. "i care about you too, i guess." your cheeks flushed. "good to know, darling." he smiled softly. he let you go and you walked to your room.

'was Scaramouche telling the truth?' you wondered. all you could do for the time being was just wait for your meeting with the Tsaritsa, which you were extremely nervous for.

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