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you woke up tucked into your bed tightly. Dottore was nowhere to be seen, seems like he left you. you had a legitimately good sleep since he comforted you.

a pain formed in your stomach and you were slightly embarrassed from your interaction last night. your face flushed red and you tried to calm it in your hands, to no avail. you cursed yourself quietly just as the door to your room opened.

"good morning y/n, today is the day i'll allow you out, you've healed well." the Tsaritsa said, balancing a tray of elegant breakfast foods in her arms. over the past few days, you've become more acquainted with her.

you've ranted to her about your problems, and had friendly conversations with her everyday. you had to hold back though, since she was the queen of the Fatui.

"thank you for everything. i don't know how i will ever repay you." you said while bowing towards her. you took the tray from her hands and ate the food.

your wounds were healed enough to take off your bandages, except for your shoulder. your shoulder was still a mutilated mess. there was dry blood and skin scattered around the wound.

you were able to fight despite your shoulder, just not to great lengths. you couldn't use a sword, it would be too much moving around in our shoulder for it to heal. instead, you had to use a catalyst, but you didn't mind.

you tuned up your drawing skills while bedridden, and you were currently very good at drawing. you could draw realistic plants and flowers with ease. this skill was useful for journaling your environment on missions.

you started sketching a vase of flowers that was brought to you by a close work friend. it was filled with cecilia's and windwheel asters. the vase itself was a translucent purple.

the flowers were starting to take shape on the page. the Tsaritsa left the room so you were left in silence, except for the sound of the pencil on the page. you had to stop drawing to get ready to leave though.

you lifted yourself from the bed and began packing the stuff you were gifted from the Tsaritsa. since you didn't have any clothes in the first place, she bought you some.

you had to bring the gifts you were given too. a couple cards, flowers, and a few hundred mora, not like you needed mora.

the door squeaked open and Dottore walked in. he still had a slight limp since you stabbed him with your sword. he had to help you bring your stuff because of your shoulder situation.

you attempted to avoid eye contact with him and ignore what happened last night. you could see him from the side of your eyes, with a huge grin on his face while staring at you.

"what?" you inquired. he was frozen in place, holding a box. "i don't get a thank you for putting you to sleep?" he joked. you gave an intense glare at him so he would get back to packing. he was still giggling to himself.

that little bastard was using your vulnerability to annoy you. "in all seriousness, why were you crying?" he asked once he was finished laughing. "none of your business. just because i work for you, doesn't mean i have to tell you personal things about myself." you responded, not sparing him a glance.

he put down his box and walked over to you. your head was down, focusing on your box, but he placed his hand under your chin. his hand was warm and made your skin shiver.

he forced your head gently towards him. your eyes widened and you almost attacked him again. he had a soft smile while looking down on you. "just because i own you, doesn't mean i can't be friends with you." he muttered. he never lost eye contact with you.

own you? he fucking owns you?

you freed yourself from him and continued packing your box while red grew on your face. he didn't go back to his box, he just stood there staring. his smirk left, and he was deep in thought.

"y'know, it would be much easier to just kill you," he said while walking back to his box. you tensed at his words. "i won't though, but i really want to. you're being a little difficult, you know, adding more reasons to kill you." his tone suggested he was irritated by you being so tense towards him.

his smile was nowhere to be seen and he was focused on packing his box out of the room. "you have to stay with me for a while, so you can heal up, and also so i can keep an eye on you." he concluded while walking out of the door.

you continued on your box, and carried it out behind him. you kept in silence, making an effort not to provoke him. you had to stay with him until you healed, but how long would that be?

you followed him to a fancy carriage. he packed the boxes into the back. he got up to the side door, but instead of going in, he reached his hand to you. he intended to relieve the awkwardness he put on you.

you ignored his gesture and got in yourself. he took offence to this and scoffed quietly. he was trying to be nice, but you just blew him off. he moved around to the other side of the carriage to get in himself.

you rested your head on the window, watching the scenery pass. you didn't want to look at him. you felt his intense stare on you the whole ride. you didn't have a sense of what his mood was though. he could have been angry at you for not taking his hand.

the sound of the wheels hitting the concrete road made the environment not completely silent, yet it was still too quiet. Dottore's magnificent mansion came into view, and your mouth was agape at the size. you had a mansion, but it was but a shack compared to this house.

it had elegant gold accents around the edges of the walls, and the walls themselves were white. there were butlers strolling around the paths. you heard a chuckle from Dottore's side, and that made you turn your head.

"what?" you questioned in an unamused tone. "you are just very... reactive to my mansion." he responded, trying to hold in a laugh. he noticed your mouth agape at the huge building, and it seemed like that was amusing to him.

"stop." you said while punching his arm. he just laughed at your actions. you rolled your eyes and got out of the carriage. you went to the back to grab a box, but a butler picked it up before you could get to it.

you let it go and entered the house. The grand entrance seemed bigger from the inside than out, and it amazed you.

you stopped in your tracks once you got in. the roof held a large crystal chandelier and there was a large pair of staircases in front.

(a/n: i don't usually add pictures into my fanfics but i wanted to add this)

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(a/n: i don't usually add pictures into my fanfics but i wanted to add this)

Dottore caught up with you and watched you admire his home. he had a burst of pride and smiled like a madman.

"come in, i'll bring you to your room!"

dottore is the love of my life 😏 hope you guys like this chapter!

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