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you woke up sleeping on your stomach. your hair was messy after rolling in your sleep all night. you barely slept.

you heard the door creak open, and there was a figure in the doorway. Dottore. he was the last person you wanted to see at the moment.

the memories from last night flooded back and you stuffed your face back into the pillow.

your cheeks heated intensely but thankfully he couldn't see. "good morning buttercup~!" he sang. you groaned into your pillow.

"thanks for last night" a hushed tone whispered much closer than before, jerking you awake. he was right by your face. "shut up. i was only trying to be nice." you snapped.

he snickered at you and pulled the blanket off of you to wake you up, only to reveal you in a bra and shorts.

you quickly covered yourself back up with the blanket, and Dottore stood there wide-eyed. you both froze, staring into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours. it was simply a matter of seconds though.

"be ready soon. more debt collecting today." he quickly summarized before running out of the room and slamming the door. your face grew more and more red by the second. you almost yelled at yourself, but held back.

no no no no no... why did this have to happen. in the span of a night, you kissed him on the forehead and he's seen you half naked.

you forced yourself to get out of bed and get dressed. you leaned your forehead on the wall and took a deep breath. while your head was against the wall, you heard talking from the other side.

"chill out, you'll be fine. you just need to seem... normal. yeah, definitely. you can do that.." Dottore was muttering to himself. you chuckled a bit when you realized he was just as embarrassed.

you wanted to mess with him more, so you wore your shortest top. you laughed at your antics in the mirror before stepping out. you posed seductively to mess with him further.

he seemed to be pacing around but stopped when he saw you. his face was the reddest you've ever seen. "well? should we be going now?" his eyes sparkled as he gulped. he nodded swiftly and walked forward.

he moved faster than you so he didn't have to face you. you wanted to relieve the tension and get the atmosphere back to normal. "did i at least look good?" you jokingly asked while putting your hand on his shoulder to slow him down.

"what?" he asked. then he saw your playful smile and smiled back. you talked and the tension was fixed. it seemed you were back to your normal friendship, until he asked about last night.

"why did you kiss my forehead?" he inquired. you stuttered, but eventually told the truth. "when my brother used to come home late, he would pass out on the dining table. i would never fail to bring him a blanket and give a kiss on the forehead for good sleep. i know it's dumb but-" "that's sweet." Dottore interrupted.

you looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact. you felt his eyes lock onto you. it seemed crazy how things changed between you two. when you first were put under his command, you almost killed him. now, you were opening up about your feelings with him.

you opened your mouth to say more, but that interaction was cut short when a few members came over, clearly an urgent matter. "lord Dottore, there is a problem in Sumeru, you are required there immediately." the front man said. Dottore peered at you. "well, i guess we aren't going debt collecting just yet!" he cheered.

he figured you were nervous about this 'problem', and he reassured you that it was okay. you stayed at Sumeru for a couple months a few years earlier, so you know the area quite well.

he took your hand and turned around back to the house. you followed closely. he took you back to your room, and finally let go of your arm.

"pack some clothes, it may be a couple weeks." he said, leaning on the doorframe. he ushered you to pack some clothes but stayed in the room.

"shouldn't you be packing too?" you inquired, your hands busy picking out clothes for the trip. he shook his head and explained to you how he already has stuff there.

you packed enough clothes for Dottore's approval. you placed them in a suitcase and you both headed outside. your hands were occupied with holding your suitcases, since you insisted on carrying them instead of the butler.

Dottore secretly wished you had given your bags to the butler. he liked when you held hands before. but he couldn't when you were carrying that. he tried to shake off these thoughts, he's never felt this before. he wasn't sure if these thoughts would affect him negatively. he was worried to see.

a pang of anxiety hit his chest just thinking about it. did you want to hold his hand too? the truth was, you did. you only insisted on carrying the bag to stop yourself from holding his hand.

you both walked in silence to the carriage that was waiting for you outside. your breath began to accelerate and your vision went blurry. your limbs fell weak then your eyes went dark. the last thing you remember is dropping your bag and your head hitting the hard concrete. then, Dottore's voice.

"sweetie? wake up! please!" you heard his faint voice as you fell unconscious.


you awoke inside a carriage because of a bump on the road. "jeez, can you not hit the goddamn bumps? she's fucking sleeping!" you heard Dottore's harshest voice speak to the driver. his tone was rough, but he tried to stay quiet for you.

your eyelids slightly opened, enough for you to see your surroundings. Dottore's head turned to you and you could see his frightened expression. he noticed you were awake and his eyes glittered with joy.

"you're awake!!" he yelled, jumping in for a hug. he was too fast for you to stop him. his arms wrapped around you and all you could do was to return the gesture. your achy arms draped around his torso. he almost suffocated you with how tight he was squeezing.

"why did i pass out?" you asked. his smile dropped. he clearly wished you weren't going to ask that. "uhm... i may or may not have forgotten to feed you.." he mumbled. you didn't even notice that you hadn't eaten.

your palm slapped your forehead in disappointment. you should've been surprised, but it seemed like something he would do. it was also partly your fault since you didn't even ask for food. "sorry-" you muttered. he was obviously puzzled on why you were apologizing.

"what?" he asked. "i must've really delayed the trip, sorry." you clarified. although you could only see half his mouth, his gentle smile filled your vision. that was when you realized you've never seen him without his mask. it just hit you, with no apparent trigger.

"can you take off your mask?" you asked. his smile dropped at your request. "no, sorry." he answered. as the silence was getting suffocating, another bump ruined your comfortable position on the bench. both your bodies flew up and yet again, Dottore yelled at the driver.

you decided to sit up after that. your body was still too weak to stay upwards on its own, so your head immediately fell on Dottore's lap. even though it was embarrassing, your fatigued body couldn't get up.

"i can't get up, i'm too weak. sorry." you breathed. your face flushed and you turned away in hopes to avoid his stare. "whatever, stay there if it's comfortable." he said, lifting his head to look out the window. your eyelids fluttered shut and you fell asleep again.

The next chapter should have some action, if not, the one after. I hope you like the story so far!

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