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the hot water grazed down your skin, washing off all the traces of murder from your body. you were relaxed for the first time that day.

you twisted the handle to shut off the water and it left you in the suffocating air again. the steam filled your lungs but you held in a cough.

you dried yourself off and put on your clothes. you hesitated before turning the handle to the door. what do you say to him? you can't ignore him forever. who knows what he'll do...

you couldn't stay in the bathroom for much longer, the steam was really getting to you. you brought yourself out of the room and you noticed Dottore standing farther in the hallway. by your room.

you sighed and continued walking, not making eye contact with him. "darling-" "don't talk to me, you monster." you threatened. he was silent, presumably surprised by your words.

"what? darling, you can't be serious-" "i said what i said." you interrupted for the second time. you pushed open your door and locked it immediately.

"fine, be that way. bitch." he mumbled the last part under his breath, but it wasn't quiet enough for you not to hear. "what did i just hear you fucking say?" you yelled while opening the door again.

his eyes were wide open, he clearly didn't expect you to hear it. his shoulder tensed, he had never seen you that angry before.

he stuttered, trying to make an excuse, but it didn't work. you didn't allow him time to say anything, it would all be bullshit anyway.

you slapped his face as hard as you could and he fell from the force. "you really... hit hard..." he tried to make a chuckle but he just coughed.

you gasped and slapped your hands over your mouth, horrified with what you had done. "i'm uh i-" you stuttered.

all you knew to do was to run back into your room and lock the door. you had a feeling you shouldn't stay out there any longer. that feeling was right.

the second you turned the lock of the handle you heard a huge bang on the other side of the door.

"y/n... why did you do that." Dottore said in a menacing tone. you were breathing hard and your eyes were wide. if he broke through the door, what would he do to you?

"because you're fucking insane!" you snapped. you heard a groan from the other side of the door. "monster, insane, psychopath, it's all the same things." he whispered.

you were disgusted with him. "you killed them... they did nothing but owe debt, why did you kill them?" you asked calmly, but your voice was still shaky.

"they hurt you, remember? i took an oath to protect my subordinates, so that's what i'm doing." he answered. that answer was a lie, there was no oath. he just had a feeling come over him that he had to protect you.

you were silent, processing his words. "please y/n, let me in. open the door." he begged. he was worried he ruined your relationship. how could he know you didn't want him to kill those people for you?

you blocked out his muffled cries and sat in your bed. you noticed there was a record player in the corner, with a box of records beside it.

you flipped through each one. you found an album you enjoyed and placed it on the player. you carefully moved the needle to the edge of the record, and music started playing.

Dottore's voice stopped once he heard the music. were you ignoring him? the soft music soothed your brain from the atrocities you witnessed.

"Dottore," "yes?" "we can talk another time, right now, i wish to be alone." you stated. he heard the shaky tone in your voice, then a sniffle, then he realized you were crying.

"are you.. crying?" he asked from behind the door. you were crying from how dumb you were, to be nice to this man. whenever you picture him in your mind, all you see is his body covered in blood, and his crazed eyes.

you gagged at the memory of you kissing his forehead. you subconsciously wiped your lips with your sleeve at the thought. you swayed your head to the slow music coming from the box. you couldn't hold in your cries anymore and let out a little sob.

"if you'd let me in i could comfort you.." Dottore said, still trying to convince you to let him in. the last thing you needed was him. you bit your lip to attempt to hold in your cries, but it was of no help.

"fine. goodnight darling!" Dottore finally gave up. you heard his body lift from against the door, and his receding footsteps. you let out a sigh of relief. your breathing calmed and the tears ran less frequently.

an idea popped into your head. what if you ran away? you'd be out of the Fatui for good, and you'd be gone from this madman's clutches. it was a risky plan, but it was worth it in the long run. your room was pretty high from the ground so it would be hard to escape through the window, but not impossible.

you would throw a bag of stuff you needed down the window, then jump through. then, you'd run for as long as your legs could handle then sleep in the forest or something.

you began to pack a backpack of things you needed, like clothes, food, and a med-kit. you knew a lot of surviving in the wild, so food wasn't too much of a problem.

to survive the fall from the window, you'd have to land on something soft. luckily, there were bushes outside that were soft enough to break the fall. you took a deep breath, tossed the bag out of the window, and stood on the ledge.

the drop seemed much longer than you calculated, and that made you second guess your choice. maybe there was a different way to get out? no, you had to get out, and you get to get out now.

"if i wait to be ready, i'll be waiting forever.." you muttered to yourself while shutting your eyes tight and leaning forwards. your weight shifted off the ledge and the air flashed past your falling body.

the leaves and grass surrounded your body in a big crash. a sharp pain coursed through your leg, then you looked down. your right leg bone was protruding out of the skin. blood gushed out of the wound. you tried to hold in your screams of pain, but instead let out groans.

a butler heard the smash and came rushing over. he gasped at the sight of your leg. tears fell from your eyes from holding in the screams. the man ran back around the corner and into the building, presumably telling Dottore.

after a couple minutes of being alone, your face was soaked with tears, and you wanted to crawl away. just as you started moving, two figures appeared around the corner.

Dottore and the servant who saw you. great. Dottore ran over to you with a terrified look on his face, grabbing your shoulders. "are you okay? what did you do why-" then he saw the open window above you.

he looked back down at you in annoyance. "you tried to leave."

Revenge Has Its Benefits (Il Dottore x Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now