22. The End

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"i'll bring you back, i swear."

Dottore's legs trembled while carrying your lifeless body down the street. blood trailed behind but he just kept going. he occasionally looked down to see your bloody and cold face and it was more than he could handle.

when he got to his lab he was reminded of the scenery of your first day together. a sharp pain of the memories came back and he started sobbing again. "i can't do this without you, y/n."

he pushed open the doors with his shoulder and the smell of bleach and rust invaded his nose. he had barely been in his lab ever since he met you so he wasn't used to the scent anymore.

he placed you on the operation table but by then he realized you were truly gone. there was no bringing you back. he cried so much that he thought he ran out of tears, but they just kept coming. he never knew losing someone you love would be this painful.

this was the first time he considered showing his emotions to one of the other harbingers. he needed to let it out and talk to someone. Scaramouche was the first person to come to mind. he knew Dottore loved you even before Dottore knew what that was.

by the time he arrived at Scaramouche's house, he had stopped crying. though, the second Scaramouche opened the door, Dottore broke down and sobbed. "what the fuck?" Scaramouche was worried for Dottore. the only person he would have these feeling for is you, he knew something must've happened to you.

"i can't bring her back. i want to, i really really do.." Dottore confessed in between sobs. "come in, dumbass." Scaramouche took Dottore's arm and pulled him into the house.

Dottore fell on the couch and Scaramouche sat beside him. "what happened to her?" Scaramouche asked. Scaramouche seemed like he didn't care, but deep inside, he was extremely worried for you and Dottore.

"She fucking killed her." Dottore cried harder at the thought that one of his most trusted 'friends' murdered his.. he didn't even know what you were to him. "who killed y/n?" Scara tensed when he realized this was much worse than he thought. he assumed you ran away or something, not died.

"Signora." Dottore covered his face with his hand to hide his pain. "stupid witch bitch.." Scaramouche mumbled to himself. "you're a doctor, right? can't you just revive her or something?" Scaramouche thought he came up with a good idea.

"she lost too much blood, there's no hope." Dottore took a deep breath to calm his cries. Scaramouche did something very out of character and hugged Dottore. he held in his own tears since he genuinely cared about you. he only met you once, but you were his friend.

after hours of crying, Dottore stopped crying. Scaramouche had to try his hardest not to cry himself, and he succeeded. despite Dottore and Scaramouche's seemingly negative relationship, Scara was much closer to Dottore than any of the other harbingers.

Dottore had lost all other emotions. all he felt was despair and agony. the only person he has ever loved was dead and it was all his fault. his chest was constantly heavy with anxiety.

he finally remembered. your last words to him were "i love you." his mind was so clouded by the fact you died that he forgot that you said you loved him. your voice constantly replayed in his mind. he was unable to do anything, you were always on his mind.

he left Scaramouche's house and went back to his own, solely because Scara kicked him out. Dottore dreaded going back to the house that each and every thing inside reminded him of you.

he hesitantly walked into the house which seemed so much darker and dead than before. it was silent and lonely without you. he walked up the stairs in a trance and went to his room.

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