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Note- I don't think I should continue writing in their different pov cos it's making the story too long. So, am just gonna write their opinions together. Pls comment your thoughts on this. Enjoy.❤️


       He wants her to come with him, she didn't want to. Her whole life was here, her brother, best friend, memories of her mom, her childhood, her work.... everything, she didn't want to let go of that now.

He said he wants to be close to his baby and hardly comes to this country cos he is a busy man, even though she felt it was something deeper than that. He was hiding something. After their second meeting, he had taken her home and the next day, his guard had come to pick her up and took her to the hospital for checkup and to get some vitamins. She noticed how he kept looking around as if hiding from something or someone. She just took it that he was nervous.

   Mia didn't grow up with her dad who had another family before her mom. Her mom was just a side chick, she later found out. He did come around sometimes when she was quite young and she remembered  being so excited when he was around but that didn't change the fact that he was hardly there for his little black family. When her mom got pregnant the second time, his wife could not take it. He made a mistake once with his little black girl and she tried to overlook it and now, another one. She couldn't bear it and started threatening Mia's mom to get rid of it.

She had a daughter of her own and she threatened him with a divorce if he didn't tell his little girlfriend to get rid of her pregnancy. And that's when Mia mom couldn't take it. She left North Carolina with her daughter and unborn child, never looking back.

Mia didn't want that for her child, even though her mom was always there for her, she still feels that gap that only a father could fill. She didn't have much to live for here, her brother wasn't here anymore and won't be coming always cos they have practice even during the end of a semester and Sade wasn't here anymore. She should focus on the baby growing in her.

She hasn't seen him since the time he dropped her off. Alex, he told her was his name, and he was Italian. She knew he wasn't too English even though his English was quite smooth. And his guard too has this accent that wasn't strong but she couldn't place.

Rodriquez was here again to take her to the hospital for a check-up before she takes the flight and some medicines too. This time she confirmed he was being cautious of those around them.

On their way back to her house, she sat at the back of the Range rover as he sped off.

"How is he?....I mean your boss" Mia stuttered not believing herself.

Rodriguez answered still looking straight ahead " He is okay, he is just really busy. You will see him tonight on our way" He answered, stopping at every sentence he made.

They got to her house and Rodriguez came out to open the door for her which Mia still feel some kind of way about but there was no stopping him. She came out and went in, this would be her last day here in the house and she wants to wallow in the memories.


"Welcome Madame" The flight attendant who wasn't a woman greeted her brightly as he helped her into the jet. Mia didn't know they would be flying on a private jet. She hasn't even been on the nice part of a plane, now a private jet. She was in her feelings quitely. How rich was he to own a jet. She already knew from his aura that he was well to do but this surpassed it.

"Thank you" She said as he led her in. There he was, Sitting majestically as he typed on his computer. He wasn't wearing a suit, just casual joggers and a tee.

Alex raised his head when she entered. And saw her staring at him.
He rested in the chair and ushered her to take a seat opposite him. Mia did uncomfortably and he raised his head to look at her again.

"Welcome, how are you?" Alex asked her. She was stunned at his question but answered fine regardless. It was going to be a long flight and she better get comfortable. She didn't want to look at him so she just focused on the tv as he focused on his laptop.

Alex noticed her discomfort, he has been trying to comfort himself that he was doing the right thing too. If he left her in Seattle, constant visit would make his father suspicious of his travelling with the jet. The two pilot and the Flight attendant were trusted and they won't spill to anyone that he was bringing a woman with him. She wasn't showing now and he didn't. bother to tell them she was pregnant. Rodriguez was the only one who knew. His baby safety was Paramount and he also wants to avoid the media frenzy and pressure.

He already made plans over there in Italy for her. He saw her eyes were closing slowly. She was already sleepy. Alex stood up and walked to her. He looked at her beautiful face as she rested her head on the head rest. She was one extremely beautiful lady and he could stare at her all day long. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable in any way, so he carried her to the room on the jet.


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