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He barged into his room frustrated. He had plans to tell her, he wanted to but she beat him to it and the situation got worst.

Fuckk...he fucking yelled at her, the look on her face after that was still fresh in his head. Maybe if he took a shower,it would calm him and probably remove the guilt.

He pulled off his clothes and went in for a cold shower but it still wasn't helping, he felt miserable as hell.

Why did he fucking yell at her, all through the argument, she had kept an even tone; that same quiet and delicate voice and he had frightened her.

The water wasn't washing away the guilt. He got out stacked naked and made his way towards the whiskey on the bedside table, instead of pouring himself a glass, Alex took the whole bottle and gulped a large amount. He had planned on staying over tonight but he decided to change plans.

He texted Marco, asking if he was at his lounge. Marco texted back immediately. He was in a club with a few friends and also texted their location.

"Are you okay" Marco asked. He knew Alex won't easily agree to come to the club.

"Yeah...on my way" Alex replied. He got dressed. As he stepped out of his room, he looked towards Mia room door, he was sure she hasn't stepped out since the argument.

He came downstairs and saw Greta and another of the help wiping the dinning table.

"Greta" He called out.

"Si signore (yes sir)" She hurried up to him. There was an obvious strain on his face and he was obviously not happy. Greta knew or had figured out they didn't have a close relationship and one of the rare times they had actually talked for long turned into a quarrel. She had been with Mia alot to know she was very soft hearted and doesn't take things to heart. She must really be hurting for her to have spoken up.

"Controllala, e portale anche del cibo, non ha mangiato bene ( check up on her. And also bring her some food, she didn't quite eat)" Alex said rubbing his neck gently. Greta nodded to every instruction and as he was about to leave, she took courage and asked.

"Stai bene signore? (Are you okay sir?)" She could smell alcohol in his breath mildly.

Alex looked at her before answering "Yes, just take care of her"


"andiamo amico, quests merda è forte da morire (come on man, that shitt is strong as hell) Marco said trying to tell Alex to stop drinking that much of such alcoholic drinks.

"You got a problem Alex? One of the friends asked "never seen you gotten drunk in a long time" He said laughing.

Alex was so wasted and just kept smiling at then. He looked to the girl at his side in his blurry state and could suddenly see her...Mia.

He moved more closer to her and held her hand. "Am sorry Mia, please don't be scared of me" He said to her.

The girl was stunned and so were the other guys. Marco, being an observant friend quickly stood up and walked over to him.

"Woman problem uhmmm?" One of the guys asked smiling.

"Come on man, you are so wasted, you need to get home" he said smiling at the others as he gestured for Rodriguez to help him out.
Alex needs to get out of here before he spills out his secret.

They both helped him out of the club and as they got out of the club, he insisted on walking himself. He bumped into someone and before he could balance himself. The guy who was obviously pissed at something else, pushed him.

"Watch where you are going, man" He yelled at Alex. Rodriquez quickly tried to back him off but Alex stopped him with his hands.

"Are you mad?..are you fucking crazy? Uhmmm?..Alex held his shirt roughly.

"Come on, man. That's enough, chill, people are watching" Marco said pulling his hands off the guys. "You...get out" He said to the man and he quickly walked away. A small crowd has formed by now.

Alex don't usually drink like this, he has always composed himself and Marco seeing him like this, he knew it was something deep and the least he could do was be there for him.

Marco patted Alex shoulders, telling him to chill as they both walked to the car.

"Fucking take a shower and go to bed, you look a fucking mess,man".

"Thanks Marco" Alex said, still drunk as hell.

"Take me home" He said resting on the car.

"To your house or the madam's" Rodriquez asked.

"Fucking take me home, Rodriguez..home, to her..." He half yelled.

Rodriguez decided to take him to the madame's.

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