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Mia stretched slowly, her body sore. She hadn't been to the home-gym for her kegel exercise for some time, which left only one thing to attribute the soreness to.

Alex, and his own special brand of exercise.

She felt and smelt him close by her. Last night still felt like a dream to her and she didn't want to wake up but at the same time,  she also wanted to see him.

She sighed blissfully, her eyes still closed. Awareness kicked in on her, she wasn't in her room which means she had passed the night here.

Not that Mia actually mind but she just thought that would  be too much for him; he has always struck her as one who enjoys his own space and maybe she was intruding. She loved being with him. That was the bottom line. The only line for her. There was no preconceived notions on how she shouldn't behave. She felt free, it was freeing, exhilarating.

"Good morning"

His voice came from either her left or right side; Mia couldn't figure it out. Alex knew she was awake when her body moved and her eyes were suddenly unusually shut tightly.She was shy or maybe embarrassed to wake up, he knew that.

Still shy after last night.

Mia finally opened her eyes and sat up slowly, wrapping the sheets around her. He was seated at the foot-edge of the bed, the exact place he had bent down on her last night and taken her into his mouth. His back turned to her as he wore his sneakers. It was the first time she'd seen him in the room after sex.

"Good morning" She greeted him back.

Alex turned to her, his eyes bright and a tint of exhaustion and his lips forming to an actual smile. "How was your night?" Alex asked and turned his back on her again to fix his shoes before standing up.


Okay! That was an understatement for what it was.

He stood and finally turned to her. "Mine too" Alex said walking to the side of the huge bed she was. She wasn't nervous, just anxious. He pulled her hair from her face and stroked her cheeks with his thumb softly. Alex bent slightly and pecked her cheeks before continuing his stroking.

Mia sat there, enjoying the little face caressing and his after shower smell. She has been quite sensitive to smell this period but she surprisingly love his. It made her feel so warm inside.

"You were good last night"

Was she?

Okay now, she was flushed beyond words and was sure her cheeks were already the same colour as a tomato. She couldn't look at him. Mia looked down at the sheets but Alex lifted her face to look at him.

He looked at those full lips and hell, he was tempted to take them in his mouth. He leaned towards her slowly to claim them but Mia turned away.

She wanted to kiss him too, hell yeah, but not with the morning breath. He had obviously taken a shower and brushed his teeth but she hasn't. Mia placed her palms over her mouth to stop him.

"I haven't....." She didn't see the need to complete her statement. Her reaction was explanation enough.

Alex didn't mind. She was sweet already and not even the morning breath could change the taste of her. He removed her hands from across her mouth. But even with him not minding, Mia still refused to open her mouth to him and he made do with her lips, biting them gently, his hands holding her head in place.

He finished and stood up straight. "And I meant what i said last night"

It wasn't a caught-in-the-moment thing after all.

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