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Why was she so angry that he had a woman? She had thought about it before, how could a wealthy and good looking man Like Alex not have tons of girlfriends and even a fiancee...she felt stupid and naive for never asking.

Mia has rarely ever confronted or argued with anyone, so soft was she.

But not even the discovery of him being engaged soon and not telling her hurt more than him yelling at her. She was scared at him at that moment and heartbroken.

She stood at her balcony and watched him leave the house that late. She is the reason he is leaving. She shouldn't have asked him about it and just keep pretending she didn't know a thing. She wasn't just an intruder in his relationship but his life as well and she felt horrible. Why was she feeling like this?

  Greta had knocked on her door after some minutes, a tray of food in her hands but Mia wasn't in the mood to eat anything, not after that argument. Greta had pleaded with her to eat a little bit for the baby's nutrition. She'd rather be gone than starve her unborn child of nutrients and she also didn't want to hurt Greta feelings as she had worked hard to prepare the food. She took the tray from her and ate a little. She was done after a few minutes and took her vitamins with Greta assisting her a little and helped her turn the TV on, as she decided to watch a movie till she falls asleep.

It's been hours now and Mia didn't know when she had fallen asleep. She felt like throwing up the minute she woke up, she has passed that stage but she guessed that forcing herself to eat when she wasn't feeling it, might be the cause. After throwing up, she started craving for some snacks. Mia  decided to go downstairs to get it herself. She has never been downstairs at this time since she lived here. She knew Greta lived somewhere around the house and she would have just called her to get her whatever she needed  but she didn't want to bother her with her own cravings.

Mia carefully walked down the stairs and to the huge kitchen. There were two huge  refrigerators, she opened the first one but there seemed to be no snacks but filled with frozen food, she opened the second one and and took a pack of Cheetos.

She was on her way back to her room when she heard someone coming in and telling someone else he could go now and he was fine. She knew it was him and hastened her steps to hurry back to her room, she didn't want to face him now but he already saw her, and stopped her.

He called out her name and she stopped in her track, turning to him. He staggered to her.

"Was he drunk?" Mia thought to herself. When he was a few steps away from her, she could smell the alcohol in his breath and his eyes were a little red and looked sleepy.

"Yeah...he is definitely drunk"

He looked at her for a long time  as if taking her presence in. Mia felt as if she was naked and vulnerable with him looking at her like that, she wrapped her hands slowly across her breast when she looked down and noticed her nipples were hard and protruding from her little satin night gown. She thought she saw him lick his lips a bit before smiling at her.

"Seems my baby is hungry" Alex said looking at the Cheetos in her hands too long for her liking.

Mia was stunned at his statement but she knew he was referring to the child in her, his child. That made her heart smile, she knows he really cares about their baby and would no doubt make a good dad

She suddenly remembered how he yelled at her and a  fear crept in, she took a step back, away from him.

She suddenly remembered how he yelled at her and a  fear crept in, she took a step back, away from him

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Mia's Nightie....

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