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  They got to their destination and Mia was a bit sad about getting off and no longer seeing the beautiful view of the city as they drove through. He wore a fancy nose masks before getting out and opening the door for her. Alex was such a gentleman, he had guards who opened doors for him but he preferred opening the door for her by himself and Mia couldn't help but smile at the gesture.

Alex surprised her again by gently holding her by her waist, casually but it ignited a fire in her that she never knew burned inside her. It all started after he kissed her nape and now her whole thoughts was messed up by a such a gentleman move.

Marco was seated at their table already when they went into one of the best restaurant Mia has only seen in movies and dreamt of. And if not for the man standing beside her and the awareness his presence caused, Mia would say she was in a dream.

The food was exquisite and the discussion was as if it were old friends meeting again. Alex and Marco talked business in Italian for sometime which she didn't understand but her interest was peaked cause she love the way he sounds and the movement of his mouth. She stole glances at him when he wasn't looking and made a mental note to try to learn some basic Italian words since her baby was gonna be half Italian and she wants to be able to understand him too. HIM.

Marco engaged her in a discussion over desert by asking her how she viewed the city at night and that led to talks about travels. Mia had seen and read alot of travel blogs and was able to contribute to the conversation.

"That's a really nice place and I enjoyed my little stay for sure. Where would you love to travel to someday?" Marco suddenly asked her.

"Hawaii definitely" Mia replied drinking water. The waiter had earlier wanted to give her some of the wine but she had said no nicely, Marco had wanted to ask her if she wasn't a wine person but just said "oh" when he remembered she was with child.

"Maybe we could plan a little vacation there once the little one is out" Marco replied smiling cheekily "Right Daddy?" He asked Alex, laughing a bit.

Alex sat there sipping his wine as he watched and listened to his best friend and Mia getting along. He would be lying if he said he didn't pay keen attention to whatever she said. It was the longest he has ever heard her talk since he brought her to his country. It has also been long he has seen Marco get along with a woman like this, since their high school days to be precise. Now, when he talks to women he only had one main thing in mind; to get them to bed.

He felt jealous  seeing them getting along too. He wants to be the one talking to her like that and making her laugh like that too. He wants to be the only one near her and bring out whatever feeling. He has always have this feeling towards her and he knew he was gonna explode soon if he didn't keep it in check.

"Stolto" (fool) Alex replied him, giving him a Stern look but smiled into his wine glass.

"Dai Amico"( come on, friend) Marco eyed him and returned his look to Mia " He is such a Grinch sometimes, he doesn't know what a Grinch means don't worry. He doesn't watch movies at all"

Mia laughed at that. 'He doesn't watch movies at all' ,his life must be super boring then, she thought to herself. She was having a good time.


Marco escorted them out to their car as Rodriguez looked around them.  The chances of the paparazzi being here was slight but he also had to keep watch.

Mia turned towards Marco just before she got into the car "It was a nice and lovely dinner, Thanks Marco" She appreciated him for this idea of her coming out. By this time, usually, she would have been snuggled up in bed reading a book, watching TV or chatting with Sade on a video call or text.

Marco gave her a light hug "and it was fun chatting with you, Bella signore (beautiful woman). I would teach you Italian sometime when am not busy, take care of yourself"

"Sure" Mia replied smiling at how nice he was.

Alex stood holding the door for her and eyeing Marco closeness to his woman. Did he just called her his woman in his head? He usually doesn't care about people going close to whoever he dated but this one was different. He shut the door gently after her and turned to Marco.

"non era poi Cosi male" (it wasn't so bad after all). Marco said to him.

"Si, come no" (yeah right). Alex replied, not missing the 'i told you' in Marco's voice. He always loved to be right about things and arguing with him was pointless most times.

"Devo essere a una festa 15 minuti" ( i have to be at party in 15 minutes) Marco said, looking at his fancy watch.

"Che festa?" ( what party?) Alex asked, not really concerned about it. Marco was a party devil and him trying to figure out every party he went was useless to him.

"Una culo festa gastronomical" (An ass eating party) Marco replied and smiled cheekily, hitting Alex gently on his arm.

"Pazzo" (crazy) Alex said holding his arm as if it hurts and smiling, Marco lives for things like this, he will never change.

"è la festa di compleanno di Angelo"(it's Angelo's birthday party) "And I got someone to catch" He continued in English, winking at Alex. "Vuoi venire?" ( You wanna come?)

Alex turned to look back at the car she was in "No"

Marco didn't miss him turning to look at her before saying no, he also didn't miss his countenance during his whole conversation with Mia.

"Sei indoveredi papà"( you have Daddy's duty) Marco said eyeing his best friend and smiling cheekily. He likes Mia alot too.

"non siamo Cosi" (we are not like that) Alex defended also not missing what Marco meant by Daddy duties both ways. He doesn't really understand the energy they gave off that made Marco think they were intimate like that and he was starting to get tired of  explaining to Marco.

Marco on the other hand, believed his friend when he said they weren't like that but he just wanted to pull his legs and annoy him for fun. Alex didn't mind telling him who he laid and vice versa, that was how close they were.

"Parli troppo, stai attento" (you talk too much, take care) Alex said as he walked to the other side of the car.

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