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         The following week was a really busy and hectic one for Alex. He had travelled to Singapore for a business trip and had to shoot a magazine cover for Harper's bazzare Italy month issue when he came back mid week.
He hadn't seen her since he left on Monday morning. Alex had told Mia he was travelling and when he did come back to the country, he was tempted to give her a call just so he could hear her voice; gentle and calming like her. But he stopped himself and just said hello to her through Greta.

Their relationship was growing and getting complicated. She was in his thoughts all the time. Her eyes, her lips, the way she walked, laughed and smiled. He likes everything about her.

Alex didn't know he could miss someone, they have been having little conversations and laughed together and when he was gone, he missed the little talks, he missed her.
He was the kind of person that moves away and adjust to wherever he was, forgetting what he left behind, he didn't place emotions on things or people. This was a new feeling to him.

It is a Monday and he was in a meeting with some executives and employees. His phone vibrated and he brought it  out from his breast pocket. It was Greta calling.

He didn't answer and dropped his phone on   the table. Maybe she needed something, he was going to call her back after the meeting. The phone vibrated for a second time on the table and he looked at it to see it was still Greta. He picked it up and tried to answer it quietly but his voice failed him.

The room became quiet, the analyst presenting with a projector stopped talking and all eyes were on him. He has never answered a call in a meeting before but Greta had also never called him twice in a roll if  he didn't pick up on the first ring. it must be urgent.

Alex gestured with his hand for the analyst to continue and they turned away from him, focused on the presentation.

"Greta?" "Che cosa" (what!) "Sto arrivando" (am on my way)! His mood changed  with that phone call. He looked at his watch, it was thirty minutes until the meeting was over but it was too long, he didn't have such time. He turned his tie on his neck, loosing it a bit, it seemed to be choking him. A minute passed and he grew more impatient.

"We should continue this meeting  some other time" He said standing up. Amelia, his secretary stood up with him too.

"Sir?" Amelia and the analyst said at the same time. They were all surprised he was ending the meeting half way and leaving. He has never left a meeting halfway into it, Never!. Alex was so invested in his family's business, his father had built him like that. However, this was about his baby and the woman he was beginning to have feelings for.

Amelia was walking behind him as fast as she could and also focused on her work iPad; He was walking in large strides.

"Sir, Damiani is sending someone over for a meeting at 3 today" Amelia read his schedule to him as he made a call.

"Carlos, Incontrami all' ingresso, me ne vado" (meet me at the entrance, I'm leaving) He got into the elevator going down. "Cancel all my schedule and tell whoever Damiani is sending that we will give them a call when am free to discuss"

"Lei, va tutto bene? ( Sir, is everything okay?) A surprised Amelia asked, she was wondering what  must have come up that made him leave urgently.

He didn't reply that. He wasn't sure, but he hoped everything was. Carlos was already at the entrance with the car, he got in.
"all' ospedale" (To the hospital).


She had slipped! At the bathroom after her bath. It was so quick she couldn't have helped it.

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