❀ author's note ❀

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♡ contents: ♡

𝐈. introduction + my boundaries

𝐈𝐈. trigger warnings

𝐈𝐈𝐈. what i will write

𝐈𝐯. requests

𝐯. quick disclaimer

𝐈. introduction + my boundaries

hey i'm kit

welcome to my songshots book- i have no idea if that is a real thing i sort of just randomly thought of it and decided to make them so here we are... basically each oneshot will be based on a song (which i will put at the start of each chapter)

i go by she/ her pronouns but i'm not too bothered

⤷ i don't mind if you take inspiration from a oneshot of mine, but please give credit where credit is due.

⤷ this is a safe space, if you want to vent or talk about something  in the comments you can do so. just please be careful not to give out personal information (i can't save you from creepy strangers) and please never give out your age on the internet D:< especially if you are a minor.

⤷ most importantly, if you're gna be here u better be flippin' nice. not particularly to me but to any other readers too. if you're going to be a lil' bitch i will not hesitate to mute you :p

my tiktok is @ karl.wasnotfound. you should totally go follow me over there.

𝐈𝐈. trigger warnings

each oneshot will have a trigger/content warning at the start. as expected, reading the trigger warnings may give away spoilers for what will happen in the oneshot so if you are someone who does not necessarily need them then feel free to just quickly scroll past or something idk.

i take particular care in checking all the appropriate trigger and content warnings are present but if you read and find i have not included a warning that you believe is necessary, please say. yell at me in the comments and i promise i will fix it as soon as i see it.

⤷ also i just wanted to say it here, you're not alone. if you need someone to vent to or just someone to generally have a talk with then my dm's are open. i am not the best at advice but id say i have pretty solid skills in terms of cheering people up.

𝐈𝐈𝐈. what i will write

honestly, its likely my writing will mainly be angst with the occasional fluff. there may be some lime and nsfw but nothing too graphic.

i'm not going to put the theme of the oneshot (i.e angst/ fluff/ lime) at the beginning, as it often gives away the outcome of what will happen, however i will pop it into the author's notes at the end of each one, so if you specifically want to know the vibe of that particular oneshot before reading then feel free to scroll down and look.

𝐈𝐯. requests

i am more than happy to take requests!

if there is a song you would like me to base a oneshot of of then please leave it here (if there is a certain scenario you want to go with the song just put it here too) →

if there is a scenario you want me to write but you don't have a song to go with it then please leave it here, and i will chose a song →

or, if you are more comfortable then you can direct message me and i will write the request anonymously.

𝐯. quick disclaimers

lower case is intended. sorry if that annoys you but i just think caps are ugly :)

if there are any spelling or grammatical errors please let me know and i'll fix them asap.

also, i am bri-ish, so when i am writing in the pov of someone who is not (i.e an american), the words/ phrases i use may not be correct- if this is the case please point it out and let me know so i can re-phrase it in a way that fits more to the character.

i think that's everything

so, with all of that being said, i hope you enjoy :D

i love u


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