take a hint

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𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗/ 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘:
[alcohol, sexual assault]

𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖕𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌:
take a hint - victorious
⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻

♩✧・゚♬✧・゚♪: *✧♩・゚:*

sapnap sways at the centre of the dance floor, bopping his head along to the unfamiliar song and trying to act casual in his surroundings. he smiles and dances but subconsciously he's always looking around, keeping an eye out for the blond boy he'd come with.

"i'm just popping to the toilet and i'll grab us new drinks on the way back if the bar isn't busy," he'd said, "i won't be long, don't worry," he'd said. sapnap internally rolls his eyes- it's already been at least ten minutes and he's still alone.

sapnap can feel the beat of the music in the soles of his feet, sending vibrations up his legs and shaking his knees ever so slightly. the lights strobe around the room, flashing in his eyes every now and then and causing him to blink heavily before returning to searching the room.

he looks over to the right, in the vague direction he remembers the bar to be- though he can't really see through the artificial fog.

sapnap hears a friendly sounding, "hello!" and looks over towards the voice on his left.

he comes face to face with a friendly-looking ravenette- he's tall and generically handsome, a sweet smile on his lips and a clearly drunken buzz behind his eyes. he looks like the type of person sapnap could talk to in a club without feeling horribly uncomfortable.

he replies, "hiya."

"what's a pretty boy like you doing all on your own?"

sapnap gags internally, immediately grossed out. the potential for a possible friendship goes straight out the window, and the ravenette is very uncomfortable now that he realises he's being hit on.

before he even has a chance to reply, the ravenette speaks again. "how about i buy you a drink?"

sapnap has to physically hold back a grimace at the alcoholic smell on the stranger's breath- of course, anyone in the club would smell the same, but that doesn't make it any less gross.

"sorry, i don't drink," sapnap lies, trying his best to be polite as he turns down the other boy. he glances back over his shoulder, wondering where the fuck the blond is.

his head whips back around again at the feeling of a hand on his waist, turning back to the stranger with wide eyes, his brain freezing.

"what's your name, pretty boy?" he asks kindly, smiling sweetly. if it wasn't for the hand holding his side, sapnap might actually enjoy the other's company.

he starts to sway, using his hand on sapnap's waist to move him along to the beat as well.

sapnap wants to push the hand off of his waist, but right now it's friendly, and he isn't going to start pushing around someone so much bigger than him- especially considering he's drunk. so, hoping not to piss him off, he casually answers, "sapnap."

"cute," the other boy nods, "i'm foolish."

sapnap wants to laugh at the double entendre, but he holds it back, choosing instead to nod uninterestedly and look off to the side again.

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