Fighting - Mama Nat

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Warnings: mentions of parents fighting and people throwing things

Welcome to another vent one shot. This is based off my own experiences with my parents fighting when I was kid.

Can you tell I have a thing for mama bear Natasha? 

Age: 16

Y/n sat in the back of the Quinjet, holding a thick piece of cloth to her arm as she watched a fuming Natasha pilot the jet. She hadn't said a word since the mission ended, and y/n knew that she was in deep trouble.

Yelena plopped down in the seat next to y/n, holding a first aid kit in hand. She took the cloth away from y/n's arm, revealing the angry, bleeding flesh beneath it. It was just a graze from a bullet, but Natasha had made it seem like the end of the world.

See, Fury had assigned Natasha and y/n a mission to go after a Hydra base that had recently been discovered. The two of them were severely outnumbered for this kind of task since all the other Avengers were away on other missions. So Natasha called in a favor in the form of her little sister. Yelena joined the two of them, sneaking into the base while y/n stayed behind as a lookout. This was normal because Natasha never liked it when a 16 year old was assigned to dangerous missions like this. Plus there was the added layer of Natasha being extremely protective over the teenager, always going into full mama bear mode whenever y/n was either in danger or in trouble.

It was toward the end of the mission when it happened. Natasha and Yelena had successfully infiltrated the Hydra base and set charges. They now just had to get out. They were fighting their way through dozens of Hydra soldiers when y/n spotted a group of soldiers sneaking up on the widows, hiding in their blind spots. So naturally, y/n jumped into the action, taking care of the Hydra agents and only receiving a graze to the arm in return. Y/n was feeling quite proud of herself for jumping in and possibly saving the two trained assassins. But when she saw Natasha's face, she knew she was in trouble. However, the red-head never exploded at the girl, and didn't even mention why she was upset. She just gave y/n a silent, motherly glare, the kind every kid dreads seeing.

The three of them continued fighting their way to the Quinjest and flew off, watching the Hydra base explode in a fireworks display in the distance. So now, here the three of them were, Natasha angrily flying the Quinjet back to the Avengers Compound with Yelena patching up y/n in the back.

The blonde quickly dressed and bandaged the wound, sending y/n a sympathetic and grateful smile.

Eventually, the superjet touched down on the landing pad and the three of them silently got off and entered the Avengers Compound.

"Hey, you're back!" Wanda smiled, getting up from her spot in the living room. She must have gotten back from her solo mission a few minutes ago because her face was covered in grime.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?!" Natasha finally spoke, ignoring Wanda and turning to y/n.

"I saw an opportunity to help and I took it. Those agents were hiding in your blind spot." Y/n shot back, ignoring the questioning look she was getting from Wanda.

"First off, I'm a black widow assassin. I don't have any blind spots. Second, when that happens, you're supposed to radio us and tell us! Then we can figure out how to handle it from there." Natasha half yelled, gesturing between herself and her sister.

"Natasha, cut her some slack. She did help and she's still alive." Yelena cut in, trying to defend y/n.

"She could have died!" Natasha yelled, now staring at her little sister.

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