Our Future - Wanda Maximoff

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Warnings:  small mention of abuse but it's tiny

y/n pov

Today had been yet another long day and I couldn't wait to be home and curl up in bed with my wife. I knew she had a meeting today at the Avenger's Compound but hopefully she would be home.

I was a full time manager at a restaurant a few blocks away from Wanda and I's apartment. It was a newer restaurant but quickly became a hotspot for the city, causing just about every shift I worked to be crazy busy. Today had been no different with crazy customers and everyone's fair share of mistakes in taking orders. It was now late at night, nearing 10:30.

Taking out my keys, I unlocked the door and shuffled through the door, immediately being hit with the smell of food. I smiled, closing the door behind me, one thought filling my mind.

Wanda's home.

Sneaking from the entrance hallway to the kitchen, I could hear soft music playing with Wanda quietly standing over the stove, stirring something in a pot. 

She always knew that on longer shifts, like today's, I wouldn't have a chance to eat dinner. I hadn't eaten anything proper since 11 this morning. Safe to say I was starving. 

"Y/n, are you just gonna stand there and watch?" Wanda asked, turning around slightly with a smirk on her lips.

"Three years of marriage and I still can't sneak up on you." I joked, walking towards her and wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my front against her back.

"What can I say? I'm an Avenger." she giggles, leaning into my touch.

We stood there for a moment, enjoying the other's embrace while I stared at the pot of food she was stirring. It looked like some sort of pasta dish. I didn't really care what it was. I was hungry and Wanda's cooking was always amazing, so I would consider it a win either way.

"How was work?" Wanda asks, breaking the silence that had fallen.

"Oh the usual complaining customers and crying children. Nothing I can't handle though." I respond with a tired smirk, burying my face in the crook of her neck. "How was your meeting?"

"The same old protocol updates and recent mission reports. Nat says hi by the way." she replies, holding up a spoon to my face with a sampling of the dinner she was making.

I look at the tiny bit of pasta and eat it, immediately being blessed with tasty satisfaction.

"Delicious, as always." I say with a slight moan, which causes Wanda to laugh lightly. "How is Nat?" I ask, unwrapping myself from Wanda's body as she moves to take the food off the stove top.

"She's doing well, I think. Said she finally made amends with her family." Wanda reaches up and takes two bowls out of the nearby cupboard and begins dishing out a serving for herself and me.

"That's good. I remember her talking about her baby sister a lot. I'm glad they're patching things up." I take my bowl of food from Wanda and sit down at the kitchen table. She joins me, taking the seat across from mine.

We both sat in a brief comfortable silence, enjoying the dinner and each other's company. Eventually, Wanda clears her throat. I glance up and am met with a serious look from my wife.

Oh shit...what did I do?

"I know that look. Am I in trouble? Did I do something wrong?" I begin asking in a slightly panicked voice.

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