Sick - Yelena Belova

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Warnings: none, just some fluff and Yelena being a caring girlfriend

I wrote this while I was sick and was feeling very single. Enjoy my tramp through loneliness. 

Yelena opened the apartment door and threw her keys on the counter. She took off her coat and stretched. Today had been a long day and she was looking forward to getting some much needed rest.

For the past few months, she had been working for days on end, searching for any loose widows to help free. Using the information Nat had given her, she had found and helped more widows than she could count. Each widow always had a hard time adjusting at first, but eventually, they found their way in the world. Most had found places to live, but there had been a few to take up a temporary residence with Yelena at her apartment. They would usually only stay for a few days or weeks until finding a more permanent place of living. However, her current guest was...different.

Her name was y/n, a widow who had been in training since she was a baby. She had arguably been the hardest to free from the chemical subjugation, but one freed, she had turned into the biggest sweetheart. She had moved in with Yelena a few months ago, with the intent of only staying for a few days before moving on. But the two widows had quickly developed feelings for each other. Soon a few days turned into a month, and the two started dating. Then a month turned into several months and the two widows couldn't be happier with each other.

"Babe, I'm home." Yelena called out, shuffling into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and stuck her head in, looking for something to snack on.

Only getting silence as a response, the blonde stood up and glanced around. The kitchen and adjacent living room was empty with the lights off. They looked undisturbed and unlived in.

"Babe?" Yelena called out again, getting no response once again.

The worst began to play in Yelena's mind as she moved to a nearby drawer and pulled it open, taking out one of many hidden hand guns that were everywhere in the apartment. She held it up and began moving slowly through the apartment.

Reaching the bedroom, the door was closed, but not locked. Yelena slowly opened the door and stuck her head in.

"Y/n?" Yelena called out again, lowering her gun slightly.

Suddenly, she heard a stifled cough coming from the closet off to the side of the bedroom. Yelena sighed and put the gun down on top of the desk that was right next to her. She had an idea what was going on.

The blonds went to the closet door and slid it open, revealing a very scared y/n curled up in a ball in the corner, on the floor.

"Y/n, baby. It's okay, it's just me." Yelena cooed as she crouched down at her girlfriend's side. She placed a gentle hand on y/n's arm and immediately pulled it back. "God, y/n, you're burning up."

"I'm sorry." y/n croaked out, pulling her own body up closer to herself.

"Shhh, I'm not going to hurt you. Let's get you in the shower and into bed." Yelena whispered, bending down and scooping up y/n.

It was hard, seeing her like this. In the Red Room, if anyone got sick, either from the common cold or anything else, it was considered a weakness and those girls were likely never seen again. Let's just say, when you're raised as a widow, you become very good at training with extreme nausea and high fevers. You had to learn how to hide it well because your life would depend on it. Free will and freedom was still a new concept to y/n. While she had dropped some of her old habits that she had when in that hell hole, others would be harder to break.

The blonde set the sick girl down on the bed, then moved to the bathroom. She began drawing a bath then picked out some pj's for y/n to change into. A few minutes later, she turned off the tap and returned to y/n's side.

"Baby, I have a bath ready for you. Do you wanna undress yourself or do you want help?" Yelena asked, helping y/n sit up, who was already half asleep.

"Help." y/n whispered in a raspy voice.

"Alright." Yelena helped y/n over to the bathroom and began helping her undress, eventually lowering her into the tub.

Yelena quickly washed y/n's body, then gently washed her hair, spending a little extra time there because it seemed to relax the sick girl. After a few minutes, Yelena helped y/n out of the water and dried her off, then dressed her in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts.

"Come on, bubs. Let's get you to bed." Yelena cooed, half guiding and half carrying y/n through the bedroom, plopping her down in bed, tucking her in. "I'm going to get you some medicine for your fever, and then you can sleep."

Y/n just nodded, clearly half out of it.

Yelena made her way back out to the kitchen and grabbed some tylenol and some water, bringing it back to the bedroom. She helped y/n sit up and watched her take the medicine and drink all the water, eventually laying back down.

"Do you want me to stay or do you want to sleep alone?" Yelena offered, wanting to make the sick girl as comfortable as possible since this was her first time being sick outside of the Red Room.

Instead of speaking, y/n just grabbed Yelena's arm and tried to pull her down into bed with her. Yelena just smiled, understanding what her girlfriend wanted. She slid under the covers, sitting up against the headboard. Y/n immediately wrapped herself around Yelena's body, resting her head on her chest. Yelena began stroking y/n's hair, which was still damp from the bath.

"I'm sorry I'm sick. It won't happen again." y/n mumbled, gripping on tighter to Yelena.

"You don't need to apologize for being sick, y/n. You're not in that hell anymore. You're allowed to be sick, it's what makes you human. I'll always be here to take care of you." Yelena said in a calming voice.

Y/n just hummed in response, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.

"Get some rest, you'll feel better soon. I'll be here when you wake up." Yelena softly ordered, placing a gentle kiss on the top of y/n's head, who was already passed out with sleep. 

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