Little Sister Part 2 - Kate Bishop

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Warnings: none

Hi, so this is the part two in the request made by @jayjayromanoff

I hope you enjoy because I may or may not have gotten carried away when writing this and it ended up being over four thousand words. 

Anyways, I have a choice to make. I can end the Little Sister short series here, or I can write a part three where we get big sister Kate fluff. I'm fine with either way, so I'll leave it up to you guys. 

Please comment, let me know what you'd like :)

Kate sat in the front passenger seat, her hands playing with the hem of her sweatshirt as Yelena drove through the streets of New York, taking the path to the apartment her and Natasha shared. After the whole ordeal with Thanos and the Infinity Stones, Yelena and Natasha wanted to be as close as possible to make up for lost time from the Blip. Needless to say, the two sisters were chaotic roommates.

Yelena and Natasha had been taking care of y/n for a few days, helping her acclimate to the world of freewill. While Yelena wanted to tell Kate about y/n immediately, Natasha thought it best to give the eleven year old a few days to adjust. Both knew how overwhelming the world can be once you get out of that place. And it was proving to be the correct decision.

"Kate, before we get there, there's something you need to understand." Yelena started in an oddly serious and soft tone, one that took Kate by surprise.

"Like what?" Kate asked, feeling a little antsy about seeing her little sister. Lucky perked up in the backseat of the car as the two women started speaking after a long silence.

"The Red changes you. Chances are she's not the same as you last remember her. She grew up in that place, having to do terrible things that no one should ever have to do, let alone an eleven year old." Yelena started, saying it as seriously as she could because Kate needed to understand what the Red Room does to someone.

"God, I can't imagine going through all that. That place must be hell." Kate whispered, her eyes glued to the road in front of her.

"It's worse." Yelena muttered, gripping the steering wheel a bit harder. "We told her about you, that you're her sister, but just be patient with her. Give her space. It'll take her time to build trust in you because just about everyone in her life has tried to hurt her."

"I know, the last thing I wanna do is make her uncomfortable." Kate admitted, turning to look at the blonde.

"Kate...I highly doubt she even remembers you. We told her about you and who you are to her, but the last time she saw you was when she was one year old. I don't know about you but I don't remember being one. Just don't set your expectations too high. I don't want you to be disappointed. I know how hard families can be, so I know this is tough for the both of you." Yelena stated bluntly, not exactly knowing how to be delicate about this.

Kate however, just sat in silence, processing the words the blonde had just said. Kate had been so excited and nervous to see her baby sister again that she failed to realize that y/n wouldn't even remember her. And this made Kate's heart ache.


Yelena and Kate stood before the apartment door, the prior fishing out her keys so they could enter while the latter held onto the dog's leash. Yelena eventually found the right key in her vast array of pockets, sliding it into the lock and turning the tumblers.

"Natasha, I'm back. Kate's with me." the blonde called out, stepping into the apartment and kicking off her shoes. Kate quickly followed suit.

The fiery redhead that was Natasha Romanoff appeared out of the kitchen, drying her hands with a dish towel. Kate figured that she must have been washing dishes just a moment ago.

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