I'll protect you - Wanda Maximoff

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Warnings: mentions of emotional abuse, panic attacks, vomiting

"When are you dropping by your parents again?" Wanda asked, plopping down at the table with her cup of coffee in hand.

"Uhh...I'll probably leave at around ten." I murmured, swirling the remaining cereal around in the bowl of milk in front of me. I wasn't exactly looking forward to today.

This morning I was heading over to my parents house to get the rest of my boxes out of my old bedroom. I was finally moving into the Avenger's Compound after being an official Avenger for about a year. I was glad to be out of my tiny apartment and I couldn't wait to get the rest of my stuff out of my parents' house.

The part I wasn't excited for was to see my parents. I had a...bizarre relationship with them. It's not that they were ever physically abusive, they just were emotionally. Plus, their arguments could get a little heated, and by that I mean yelling and objects being thrown. It made for an interesting childhood. I had always wondered how the two of them managed to stay married for almost thirty years, but they did.

The confusing part was how much they seemed to do for me, helping me have a good education, providing me with a roof over my head and food on the table. Love...was another story. It was weird, don't ask me to explain it further. I don't understand it either.

I never regretted moving out at eighteen. I was glad to be out of that hellhole, able to finally have the freedom to be my own person without fear of them always watching me. I still struggled a lot with regaining my autonomy and other things, but Wanda always helped me through that. She really was amazing, but she knew that today, going to see them again after so long, would be hard.

"Do you still want me to come with you?" Wanda asked, helping to distract me from my memories.

I had asked Wanda to come with me when my mom called and asked me to come get the rest of my stuff out of the house. I didn't want to be there alone with them and I knew they wouldn't do anything if she was with me.

But what if she didn't want to come anymore? I knew she had a lot of important things to do and I didn't want to be a burden to her. It was just moving a few boxes...I could do that alone. I didn't want to be alone, but I would if I had to.

"I mean, if you have something you need to do, then I can go alone." I said quietly, taking another spoonful of cereal.

"Y/n, I wouldn't have offered it if I couldn't come. I just wanted to know if you still wanted me to come." she reassured gently, sipping on her coffee while eyeing me.

"Yes, please." I mumbled.

Wanda gave me a soft smile, knowing I didn't want to be doing this.

When we had started dating just under a year ago, I hadn't told her about my parents and my weird relationship with them. Slowly, it came out over time when some things caused some bad memories to resurface. Wanda helped me come to terms with some of my trauma, but some days were still hard. I never liked arguments, loud noises, small things that reminded me of my parents. She knew this and did her best to be there and love me.

"It'll be alright, y/n. It'll be over before you know it, and once it is, we can just relax and watch a movie." Wanda must have sensed my worry, picking up on some resurfacing memories.

"I know, baby. I just really don't wanna do this." I stood up and picked up my half eaten cereal, moving towards the sink and placing it down.

I left Wanda alone at the kitchen table and wandered over to the elevator, selecting the floor to my room. Moments later, I found myself standing in my bedroom, well really mine and Wanda's bedroom. She had moved in with me at the compound a few weeks ago.

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