I love you - Yelena Belova

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Warnings: none...I think

Sorry if this one kinda sucks. I've been going through a bit of a writers slump lately.

I hate goodbyes. You never know if it's going to be the last one you're going to tell that person. Saying goodbye sucks ten times worse if it's someone you care about.

    Yelena and I were standing on the landing pad at the Avengers Compound, a gentle breeze sending slight shivers up my spine. The morning sun was just beginning to peek through the nearby trees, casting a warm red glow to the surroundings. Natasha could be heard muttering profanities from inside the Quinjet, probably frustrated with something not working or that we were taking so long to say goodbye.

My girlfriend had been called in to help with a mission when Natasha came across some information about newly escaped widows from the Red Room. Naturally, the red head and the blonde wanted to find them and help. They knew how confusing the world could be after just escaping from that place.

    Widows rarely escape from that hellhole. I had heard the horror stories from Yelena and Natasha, who I was a fellow Avenger with. If there were some escaped widows running around, then that means they would be hunted, not just by Dreykov, but by other interested parties. Nat and Yelena needed to get to them before anyone else could.

    First they needed to find them. That was the hardest part and the reason for this preliminary recon mission.

"Bye baby, I'll see you later tonight." Yelena said, pulling me into a kiss.

"Promise you'll be safe?" I asked, holding her by her hips so she couldn't escape.

"I promise I'll be fine. I'm a trained professional." Yelena smirks at me, soothingly rubbing my shoulders.

"That doesn't exactly help reassure me." I giggled, knowing that Yelena was in fact, a child at heart and can be reckless.

I had tried to talk them into letting me come on the mission, but it was such a personal mission to the both of them, that they decided it would be for the best that I stayed behind as backup.

"I'm serious, y/n. I promise I'll be fine. It's a simple recon mission. I've run dozens of them before. Plus, if something does go wrong, which nothing will, I'll have Nat there to back me up." Yelena took my hands off her hips and held them tightly, giving them a reassuring squeeze.

Knowing that Natasha was going to be on this mission as well helped calm my nerves slightly. At least Yelena wouldn't be alone if something did go wrong.

"Yelena, we need to go." Natasha called, sticking her head out of the Quinjet.

"Remember, I'll be back before you know it. You have the whole day to yourself." Yelena tried to help me look on the brightside.

"But I want the whole day with you." I pouted, not wanting to let go of her hands.

"You'll have the whole day with me tomorrow. I promise." Yelena pulled me into one last kiss, then turned to leave and board the Quinjet.

I watched the superjet take off, still feeling the lingering butterflies that Yelena's goodbye kiss stirred up. I knew they both would be alright. It was just a recon mission. But so many missions had gone wrong in the past that I couldn't help but believe something would go wrong with this one. Maybe I was jinxing it, but all I wanted was for the both of them to come home safely.

I turned on my heel and wandered back inside once the Quinjet had flown out of sight. I still had no idea what the hell I was going to do today. In a way, I felt lost without the blonde bouncing along next to me, suggesting we go do something fun like go-karting or paintballing. Yelena was always up for trying something new, wanting to make up for the lost time that the Red Room had taken from her.

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