Learning - Wanda Maximoff

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Warnings: none that I can think of but there might be some I'm over looking. Feel free to let me know.

So this one shot is about y/n experiencing an accident and going deaf as a result. Before we start, I just want put a disclaimer that I don't know sign language but I do have family members who do. So if I got anything wrong, please let me know because I have no intention of being disrespectful.

Buckle up because this one is long

y/n pov

    Creeping down the dark halls, I kept my hand gun raised and ready to take down any opposition. I had been assigned a task to infiltrate a Hydra base and extract some information that apparently Director Fury needed. He would normally send Natasha on missions like these, but she was already occupied with something else. So I was his second best.

    Reaching the desired doorway, I found the data center. There were two guards, both standing over the main terminal. I jumped into the room and shot them both before they could react to my sudden appearance.

    I approached the computer terminal and stuck the flash drive in and began transferring the information. Glancing around, I made sure I was still alone while mentally urging the computer to work faster.

    It was weird that no one had come running at the sound of my gunshots. Usually that would tip off a base full of Hydra agents that there's an intruder.

    The computer beeped several times, indicating that the data transfer was complete. I pulled out the flash drive and began retreating down the halls. Now all I had to do was get out of the base and back to the Quinjet, which would turn out easier said than done.

    Weaving through the hallways, I met a few more Hydra agents and easily took care of them. That's when an explosion went off and I was thrown forward, becoming covered by rubble and dust.

    I groaned, my ears ringing loudly as a sharp pain shot through my head and legs. I tried to look around, black spots playing at my vision, but my body gave up and I passed out.


    Wanda sat curled up in the living room with a book in hand. Thor and Peter were seated close by, playing Mario Kart against each other.

In reality, Wanda was too worried about her girlfriend, y/n, and her mission to focus on reading. She was trying her best to distract herself until y/n would waltz through the door, talking about her most recent successful mission. But hours passed and that never happened.

    "Ms. Maximoff, Director Fury has requested to speak to you. He's in the conference room." Friday's voice announced. Friday was the AI that Tony Stark had installed throughout the entire compound. She would do small tasks for the Avengers, like turn on or off the lights or locate someone on the property.

    "Thank you, Friday. I'll be right there." Wanda responded, closing her book and walking to the stairs, eventually walking into the conference room.

    It was a large room with an equally large table with enough room to seat all the Avengers plus the usual political guest. Fury was seated at a random seat with Maria Hill, Steve, and Tony all close by. The four of them looked up when Wanda entered the room.

    "You wanted to speak to me, Fury?" Wanda asked, taking a seat close by to Steve, her anxiety slowly growing at this sudden meeting.

    "Y/n missed her last check in and has been off of comms for too long." Fury stated bluntly, keeping his good eye fixed on the witch.

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