You're just different now Pt 2 - Natasha Romanoff

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Warnings: Panic attack

Hi, how's everyone doing?

I've had writers block for the last few days, so apologizes that this second part took so long. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but it is what it is. 

Natasha's pov

"What's going on, Bruce?" Steve asked, getting right to the point.

"During your last mission, y/n was found unconscious, surrounded by a pile of rock, like this." Bruce began, holding up the sample of rock that I had brought back with me.

"Yeah, we know. Me and capsical were there." Tony said, wanting Bruce to get to the point.

"I ran a few tests, looking at new blood work and DNA samples, and found something...unusual." Bruce pulled up the new analysis results and displayed then on a screen

"What are we looking at?" Steve asked, asking the question everyone had.

"To be honest, I have no idea. During the last mission you guys ran, y/n's DNA was drastically altered. How that happened, I have no idea. I had Friday analyze the rock compound and identified some unknown elements." Bruce continued, like he was teaching a class.

"Unknown?" Clint asked, crossing his arms.

"Extraterrestrial." I piped up, keeping my eyes locked on the ground. I just wanted some answers as to what the hell was going on with my girlfriend.

"Aliens? Like the Chitauri?" Steve asked.

"The compound doesn't match any data we have on the Chitauri. So this is probably from another alien species we have yet to encounter." Bruce explained.

"Thor, do you have any idea of what this could be?" Tony asked, glancing between the god of thunder and the screen with the lab results.

"There are many things this could be. Some of the different races in the nine realms could have the science to do this. The one that comes to mind would be the Kree. They came to earth several of your generations ago with the intention of building weapons." Thor's booming voice filled the room, providing some sort of history to the situation.

"What kind of weapons?" Steve piped up, a new kind of confusion playing on his eyes.

"Unfortunately, I do not know. Kree history was never my area of expertise. That was always my friend, Lady Sif's." Thor gave us all an apologetic look, glancing around at all of us.

A moment of silence passed, only being filled by the beeping of y/n's heart monitor at the other side of the room. She was still just laying there, unconscious.

"What if you sent this information to Fury?" Clint thought out loud, breaking the silence.

"What good would that do?" Tony asked, turning to the archer.

"Well, Fury was the head of Shield, and Shield has seen its fair share of weird stuff. Maybe he's encountered something like this before." Clint's idea wasn't half bad, and actually supplied some kind of hope that we could get some answers.

"Tony, send the information over. In the meantime Bruce, make this your priority. We need to make sure that y/n's going to be alright." Steve ordered, dismissing the impromptu meeting.

The other Avengers were about to leave when Tony had to go and open his big mouth.

"She should be moved to a containment unit in the meantime." all eyes snapped to Tony, who was just standing there, staring at y/n across the room, then looking at all of us.

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